Pictures worth $30.00
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Pictures worth $30.00 Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/27/2007 1:03:49 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

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Post #60827
Posted 6/27/2007 1:05:29 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

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Post #60828
Posted 6/27/2007 1:50:12 PM



Last Login: 8/17/2016 5:46:32 PM
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looks like this guy is useing the 89 to sell wax...this pic is from his site

Post #60829
Posted 6/28/2007 9:37:19 PM
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Hello one and all let me introduce myself my name is PJ i live Glasgow Scotland now ill make this short i have been watching this website for over 12 months now looking a builds etc etc and never really made a post now..... this car in question is infact the anton first original batmobile...... i have noticed a load of differances between the post now CLTC claim the originals never left england they did the car in the picutres above was sold to peter kent of car the star museum he bought it for £30,000 pounds thats about $55,000 dollars to you american folks out there ( i still got the cutting ) the batmobile was here in glasgow twice over the years. first off 1990/91 when kent bought the car and second in 1993 which i now class as batmobile 2

there are differences quite a few 1 front lights are different for a start different colour and size 2 the second car batman returns is longer by 21 inches ( i have the blueprints ) THE ORIGINAL BLUE PRINTS not the internet ones the headbacks are different the returns car has window wipers and full hydralic suspention from the front to lift the nose. i could go on and on and on i will do in due course more posts

now the batmissle the batmissle was of hollow construction and in 96 the original batmissle tour the car shows etc etc it ended up in the manchester WB Store around june 15 now the Manager of the local WB store was a mate of mine and he told me it was in manchester so i went took load and loads of photos and left 2 hours later a bomb ripped the shopping centre apart Arndale shopping centre look it up and that was the last time i saw the batmissle

now peter kent from cumbria is aparrent still cat the car i have been there many many time also been to his storage yard and he aint got it he has the kilmer car on display. the only car he has got i know that is the 100 real deal is the mad max interceptor anyways i thought i would finally get around to typing and hello ya all names PJ i have tons and tons of information on this car pilled up over 16-17 years anymore i can do to help just email oki cheers
Post #60861
Posted 6/28/2007 10:08:59 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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PJ Welcome.

 I have one question .What are the side mechanics off of ?

Post #60863
Posted 6/28/2007 10:45:46 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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Any ideas PJ?
Post #60865
Posted 6/29/2007 6:18:53 AM



Last Login: 10/27/2014 6:30:59 PM
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Welcome PJ, well you said a lot sadly I don't understand half of it.    We say that both of the original 2 Batmobiles used in Batman left England and were repainted for Batman Returns and then later repainted for OnStar.  Jay Ohrberg, the guy who did the cars for Batman Returns has validated this.  Also Jay built one additional Batmobile that became the Turn Table Car for Returns.  Jay was loaned the original molds to pull the body for the TTC.  Later Jay narrowed the the rear quarters to produce the Six Flags cars.  You can see all of this in Jay's pictures.  He said it was the same length that he never shortened it. 

All the cars that we have seen pictures of that are still overseas are all promotional replicas.  Like Peter Nelson's Batmobile and his Batmissle.  In fact Jay built the promotional Batmissiles that were sold to several museums.  Again you can see them in his pictures.  He said he sold them for $50k a pop. 

So don't get me wrong I look forward to your providing proof but I will tell you I am very skeptical because I have heard a lot of unproven stories before.  In fact I have heard those stories for 3 years now and still no proof has ever been provided to disprove any of the info I just typed.  Actually more and more proof keeps coming out that what I just typed is the truth.  I just have a feeling that you will never post a single picture a scan of your blueprints or anything else.  I do hope I am wrong. 

Oh and Nitro it sure doesn’t take you long to ask questions. Instead of always asking how about posting something useful like your build?  Something folks can ask you questions about.  

Post #60870
Posted 6/29/2007 6:38:17 AM

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

Last Login: 5/10/2024 1:40:21 PM
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Hey PJ welcome, I live fairly close to ya. It's great to see another Scot posting. Stick around and read the back posts. I have never heard of your Peter, but Peter Nelson of Cars of the Stars in Keswick has a Jay O replicar.

Are ya sure you have original 'blueprints', I believe there never were any blueprints made for the movie car (the car was built from a maquette or wooden model back in 88).

I would love ya to prove us wrong

"There is no end but the end is near!"

Post #60872
Posted 6/29/2007 6:54:19 AM



Last Login: 10/27/2014 6:30:59 PM
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Good Ole MR. A, always got my back.   

Post #60873
Posted 6/29/2007 7:10:26 AM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
Posts: 2,526, Visits: 12,771
Jack we have all been taken in on the Ohrberg cars. Which is not a bad thing, heck his are part of the Returns cars . I still have to look close at some of those pics to see just which car is which. Now for my build pics that has nothing to do with wanting to find out about the real 2 cars. Where the mock up foot accelerator pedal is ?Is there a second mock up cockpit? Where did the side mechanics come from. What planes or helicopter did the panels come from.Front headlights from Honda civic?Has nothing to do with what my garage project looks like.I have posted my finds on the board as well as my not so fines. When there is some one that maybe screwing a CLTC member (know one on the board) I bring that up to DH as well.I have also helped out some here. I just want to know about the real cars. Have some fun with you guys with out anyone getting up tight and share what little knowledge I have.
Post #60874
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