Pictures worth $30.00
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Pictures worth $30.00 Expand / Collapse
Posted 8/13/2009 5:30:59 PM

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Last Login: 11/3/2020 4:14:24 AM
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I beg you, could you please tell me how you painted that model?

I will be your lifelong servant if you do, i promise. Please?

I really need to know as i am building a model of it and cannot get the sheen right i would really really appreciate it if you could tell me which paints you used on the body and wheels. Could you pleeeeeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee help me out?

Post #76262
Posted 8/13/2009 6:06:07 PM

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Last Login: 10/13/2010 7:11:33 AM
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They may have tinted the matt clear with blue after the original paint job, but based on info obtained years back the original color was a matt black and at one time I even had the paint name and number. I have looked all over for that info, but can't find it. I know I have it as I want to order the exact same color and I do know that 2 years ago the color was avail here in the USA. I doubt anyone will ever know unless they can find a section of the original not painted by Onstar. Knowing how prop cars are done, they may have even changed the tint based on the shot needed, day vs. night.
Post #76264
Posted 8/13/2009 11:08:21 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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Bttfspencer That is not my car that is the real RC car from PineWood Studio's that I belive is now in the hands of Toynami.

BruceWayne I think you hit on the head about the color just what ever shot they needed and what ever color would come through the best was probably what they painted on that day. I am sure your correct about it starting out as matt black .

Post #76268
Posted 8/14/2009 8:26:08 AM

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Last Login: 11/3/2020 4:14:24 AM
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can you tell me which scenes the rc car was used in? I am a modeler and REALLY want to know what scenes the batmobile studio models were used in.

Thanks Nitro

Post #76270
Posted 8/14/2009 10:43:35 AM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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It was used for the Axis Chemical Factory scene.

Post #76272
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