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Posted 3/6/2006 10:05:29 AM

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A man walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm and says: "Darling, this is the pig I have sex with when you have a headache."

His girlfriend is lying in bed and replies: "I think you'll find that's a sheep, you idiot."

The man says: "I think you'll find I wasn't talking to you."
Post #37172
Posted 3/6/2006 11:55:19 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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The guy left standing looks like Justin.

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #37173
Posted 3/6/2006 6:09:26 PM

I have the power!

I have the power!

Last Login: 9/29/2023 8:43:09 AM
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Batman drives a metro.:wtf

Post #37174
Posted 3/6/2006 7:47:37 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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Dee ^^ Me and a friend of mine DID beat the crap out of each other the other night. It was hilarious. He was feeling all depressed over a girl, so we got hammered at my shop and just tore into each other till we were both bleeding and couldn't stand up. Took his mind off the girl! We both felt awesome after that.

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Post #37175
Posted 3/6/2006 8:40:02 PM



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Post #37176
Posted 3/6/2006 10:23:04 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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I shouldn't find this funny but I chuckeld


Post #37177
Posted 3/6/2006 11:13:23 PM

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Chicks Love THE CAR!

Post #37178
Posted 3/7/2006 5:52:39 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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It's funny. The guy hosting the oscars said "I'm sorry Bjork can't be here..She was putting on her dress and Dick Chaney shot her." Funny

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #37179
Posted 3/7/2006 6:12:21 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
Posts: 2,910, Visits: 4,045
I knew you guy's had a tough job in the army but I didn't realise it was this tough. Men of steel, I say, Men of steel

Men Of Steel

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #37180
Posted 3/7/2006 8:15:20 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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This guy would give even Batman a run for his money

High Kick

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #37181
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