Bob Dullam's Tumbler Build
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Bob Dullam's Tumbler Build Expand / Collapse
Posted 8/14/2006 8:55:05 PM



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Bob how very cool!  I don't see a roof opening.  How do you get in and out of it?  Can we see the suspension and steering? 

Post #53361
Posted 8/14/2006 9:37:54 PM

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you will. I am working my way around the car slowly with closeups then, the whole thing(long shots). You will see it all.

Note here the windows are not held in by a series of individual bolts from the body, but rather a "window holder" from inside. One area does double, or triple duty. More photos soon.

Cowl is scratch built, foam latex. not to be confused with slip casting (just a skin) latex.

Post #53362
Posted 8/14/2006 10:06:41 PM

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The window process intrigues me... Is that more like how real windows are installed? Can we hear a little more about that?

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Post #53365
Posted 8/14/2006 10:12:57 PM

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Post #53368
Posted 8/14/2006 10:54:24 PM

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The thing with the car "opening like the pedals of a flower", as they described on the SE DVD is that in order to actually do that(hood/legs lift up slide back, front windshied goes up and underneath hood) they had to cut parts of the car completly off. Look closely at the SE DVD, the rear legs are gone, and sections of the blast shields had to be cut away. So.. I don't wana sacrifice one way or the other. So my hood opens as theirs does. lifts up like a hatch. Then I also am going to move the front windshield underneath the hatch. Legs surrounding the windsheilds will not move. To go in through the front winsheild you will have to bend down a little which is still much more elequent than climbing into that damn hatch. There are steps right between the front tires built into the design.

Windows are held in place by a metal holder all the way around the window, and then that is held in place by some body attatchments, and the chassis itself. Windows are a combo of acrylic, lexan, and a polorized sheet.

Post #53370
Posted 8/15/2006 7:44:34 AM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

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Well however U guys did it, It's done to perfection. I'm lookin forward to some vids of all the bits 'n' pieces workin.

DE 66 IS COMING........

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Post #53382
Posted 8/15/2006 1:37:52 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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That's so impressive, I just love it.  I assume you're going to paint it but it looks great with the current finish.  Are you going to eventually share any of the sculpt pics?  I know I can speak for several of us here when I say we'd love to see some of these pieces in clay.
Post #53392
Posted 8/15/2006 4:38:14 PM

I have the power!

I have the power!

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Awesome, awesome, awesome! You're making phenomenally quick progress!

Post #53394
Posted 8/16/2006 6:57:41 AM

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Tim (8/15/2006)
That's so impressive, I just love it.  I assume you're going to paint it but it looks great with the current finish.  Are you going to eventually share any of the sculpt pics?  I know I can speak for several of us here when I say we'd love to see some of these pieces in clay.

*Waves hand*  I would be one of those!

Post #53429
Posted 9/8/2006 3:18:42 PM

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Wow, I think Ive found a place to start or at least admire. Magnificent. A work of art. Thank you. I qwoudl love to know how you have handled the mechanics of the steering trans etc..

Gotta do it
Post #54292
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