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Nate's Build Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/1/2006 6:32:28 PM



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Mr. Wright, Dont be a troll! If MT did a good job on something then he deserves the credit? But really you can't tell anything from the photo. Only N8 can say for sure as to the quality. N8 what's your take on your handles?

Post #42555
Posted 2/1/2006 7:19:46 PM
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Thank you, Jack.

N8. How do you like them.

I don't have a batmobile, but I have a remote R2-D2

Post #42556
Posted 2/2/2006 5:24:56 PM

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Mark and I met at a point when I was stumped with my build, and said he could solve most all of my problems. I gave him a list of stuff I needed done and he said he could do it. We made a few compromises, but for a fair price he solved my problems and got my car painted and on the road, with lots of details I had only hoped for.

Is his work with out flaw? No, but I wasn't expecting a dealer finish and machined parts, this is a hand crafted car. I am not speaking for ANYONE else or about anyone elses car, so flamers out there don't bother posting about my deal with Mark, O.K.?

I am still happy with the work Mark did on the car. After the build was over, Mark got angry with me over something that he never wanted to share with me, and stopped talking to me. I tried several times but he made it clear he didn't want to talk with me, and as our business was done, I let it go.

I think he did a great job on the problems I had, and even after being cut off, I continued to reccomend Marks work, and let potential buyers stop by and look at the work he did on my car.

Frankly, I like Mark, I think he's a good guy trying to make a buck.
He's added a lot of details that Bob Butts never tried or cared to include, and at a pretty good price.

Oh yeah, and I like my handles.

I don't care much for when anyone of the guys I hired to work on my car rip on the other guys who worked on my car, but hey I have the only Barris, Butts, Currie, Truman, Towle batmobile out there!

I am sorry for some of the other owner's whos deal did not go as they planned, this is a rather silly hobby, so it should be fun and not agravating.

Post #42557
Posted 2/3/2006 1:37:38 PM

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Photo of the day, This is fiberglass on the ground that is also WET!

Post #42558
Posted 2/6/2006 1:46:45 PM

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Photo of the day...
With wheels (now gone...)

Post #42559
Posted 2/6/2006 1:53:28 PM

You reap what you sow

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That was already posted before

Find another picture of the day

Post #42560
Posted 2/6/2006 1:56:22 PM



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Oh yeah, that is the one that was sculpted from scratch by Mr. Wayne...
Post #42561
Posted 2/6/2006 2:03:10 PM

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"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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When wet, that car looks really smooth! Nate, how much body work needs to be done to make it look great?

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Post #42562
Posted 2/6/2006 3:30:20 PM

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It was posted before, but not with the cool watermark!
Besides, now you have photographic proof who Mr. Wayne is, and
what happened to his car. He sold it to me.:laugh
Besides, I am going to run out pretty soon and will have to start TAKING photos.

Post #42563
Posted 2/6/2006 3:35:36 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

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So who was Mr.Wayne?

Post #42564
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