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Board Members' CUSTOM Rides |
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:10:26 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:11:24 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:15:14 PM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Ok Rusty u win. That awesome (as u guys would say). Love the head in the bulkhead. How did u get that effect. Looks amazing. I bow down to a superior modder and back away slowly. Ur work is magnificent. I love it. I've never seen something so low. Teach me ob1. Ur my only hope.
Last Edited by Dee: 1/17/2006 6:16:16 PM
89 Coming Eventually
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:22:27 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
my daily driver 240 sx
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:23:54 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:30:51 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
dee the head is a manakin(guess thats how you spell it you know us people that work with our hands cant do spelling or typing) that is cut side ways and fiberglassed into the firewall. by the way they pictured it in mini trucking this month
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/17/2006 6:57:26 PM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Here's my little baby. She's running at 700bhp at the moment but I have a guy coming this weekend to take it off my hands to put some more Bat-money in my hands to put into someone elses hands.
Trust me Rusty....I'd love half ur tallent
89 Coming Eventually
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 7:02:51 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
man you got to be pulling my chain is that a real skyline(for the people that dont know dee is the man) that is one car i would love to have you see my 240 is close as i could get over here
From: DonC
| Posted: 1/17/2006 7:26:54 PM
Posts: 159
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Hey Justin,
steal some pics from my website >> Unique movie
which I just had updated and post'em here for me will ya:)
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/17/2006 7:27:16 PM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Ah please. Not the pulling my chain thing again. Trust me. I'll take a pic holding Tomorrow's news paper. I don't have the full specs on me at the mo..They're in the workshop but i'll post everything i've done to the engine. I'can tell u it is the quickest thing i've ever driven. We use it in drifting competitions every now and then but i'm gonna sell it to get my Dream car (believe it or not)
She's sitting on 20's and rides beautifully
Here it is sitting with my yellow and red Toyota MR2 Ferrari Replica
89 Coming Eventually
From: rusty
| Posted: 1/17/2006 7:33:44 PM
Posts: 915
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
i wouldnt trying to drop a gauntlet on you sorry (your car will bring more than enough to get a 89 (rhd skyline brings big money)
| Posted: 1/18/2006 12:10:52 AM
Posts: 29
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
WOW.......all great rides for sure!
Here is what's in the stable currently:
Justin posted the other 2 "bastard children"
Pontiac builds excitement. Woodside tears 'em apart.
| Posted: 1/18/2006 12:48:06 AM
Posts: 77
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
not custom but I love my hummer.
From: Justin
| Posted: 1/18/2006 1:51:49 AM
Posts: 1355
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides

Other projects:
Is that General Lee yours, Don?
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
| Posted: 1/18/2006 5:19:01 AM
It's G2B t God!
Posts: 311
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
This is the custom ride I'm workin on right now.
I'll let you know how it turns out when it's finished in the paint booth.
Last Edited by BATGOD: 1/18/2006 5:26:29 AM
"Where does he get those wonderful toys?"
He MAKES them you idiot!
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/18/2006 5:31:24 AM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Really?? Skylines bring big money?? They're not that expensive over here, depending on spec of course. Roughly how much would u pay for a 1994 Skyline GTS-T 2.5 for instance??
That convertible is beautiful. What is it??
As usual...Bobby pulls out the big guns. Hummers ARE expensive over here. I'd sell my sister for spare parts to get one of those.
I think someone must of stolen DonC's pics (inform Don) cos they are on an English website and if they are selling 66's off the back of the photos and their cars turn out to be a pig's ear of a car, we wouldn't want it to come back on Don's good name.
89 Coming Eventually
From: Tim
| Posted: 1/18/2006 8:10:03 AM
I see you
Posts: 2411
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Not custom either unless you count the 20" rims. (2006 Dodge Charger)
Last Edited by Tim: 1/18/2006 8:30:23 AM
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/18/2006 8:35:26 AM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
2006 no less. Man if i'd ur money i'd burn my own.
89 Coming Eventually
From: Tim
| Posted: 1/18/2006 8:43:09 AM
I see you
Posts: 2411
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
I don't have any money, I had to get a 30 year fixed! We usually don't get new cars, but... :)
My dad had a '68 Charger that he ordered while he was in Vietnam. It was very close to the same color. I was just keeping up a tradition I guess...
From: Dee
| Posted: 1/18/2006 8:45:43 AM
Peek A Boo
Posts: 1409
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
ah sure don't u have to treat yourself every now and then...and boy what a treat.
89 Coming Eventually
From: JTC
| Posted: 1/18/2006 9:00:08 AM
Need More Posts
Posts: 17
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
My daily driver.
From: BatDemon
| Posted: 1/18/2006 9:48:38 AM
Posts: 138
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Nice cars, guys! Chris W., I like the LeMans. As a kid, they always reminded me of a batmobile.
From: Justin
| Posted: 1/18/2006 2:18:31 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
Dee - That is Martin's site. He bought Don's molds (one of them, anyways) and is planning on selling Don Currie kits over seas... I am not sure, but I think he got Don's permission to use the pics.
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Tim
| Posted: 1/18/2006 2:31:46 PM
I see you
Posts: 2411
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
I didn't know any of the kits had door jambs...
From: Kevin
| Posted: 1/18/2006 2:45:06 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Board Members' CUSTOM Rides
The molds I did for Bob have inner-door jambs, inserts and door panels.