the Bat from the Dark Knight Rises
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the Bat from the Dark Knight Rises Expand / Collapse
Posted 11/29/2012 9:23:51 PM
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If you're looking to mess around with hovercraft technology, check out for tips, equipment ideas, etc.

The will to act.
Post #88494
Posted 1/3/2013 1:08:18 AM
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Too bad the Bat wasn't designed with the gun pods in back, instead on each side of the cockpit. This puts the center gravity too far forward. If the gun pods were in the back then this would be MORE doable if your going after scale.

For thrust, use the rotor blades underneath...then supplement the thrust with ducted fans in the weapon pods. That will greatly help the CG issue. However, constructing ducted fans and mounting them to a power plant like a rotory engine will take some perseverance. Their going to be spinning very fast to make thrust so vibrations will have to in check, because...SAFETY FIRST! Even if the BAT hovered 5 feet off the ground, you don't want to flip over for having a sudden engine out so design in some redundant safety features.

All VTOL(Vertical Takeoff and Landing) aircraft safety features they used was a common shaft that connected all the propellers, fans, ect in case of engine out. The V-22 osprey has feature as well as the successful XC-142 tilt wing. You could employ a gearbox/shaft connecting the propellers and one for the fans...SAFETY FIRST!


Also, wish they used ducted fans in the fuselage instead of rotor blades. ..oh well, still cool!
Post #88922
Posted 1/3/2013 1:04:21 PM
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I hate to burst any bubbles but I think the the bats current configuration is technically not theasible.  It's twin rotor blade design is more condusive of a helicopter configuration then a shrouded "hover" jet engine configuration.  I believe you would have to change it over to a shrouded engine design to achieve the necessary lift.  If you look at how a helicopter is designed its rotor blades are almost twice the length of the air frame (rotor blade to aircraft size ratio).  The tips of the rotor blades generate the most lift because the rotational speed at the tips is the greatest.  Also balancing issues would need to be overcomed (Thats why rotor blades sit on top of helicopters not on the bottom)but that is doable... Also airflow is pulled from the top down meaning you wouldn't want anything obstructing it.  I'm shocked that Nolan chose this design as he typically goes for more realistic applications.  I would suspect the hunter/killer flying drone configuration in the terminator series would have been a better fit for the bat as that is more of a vtol aircraft and has a similar application.  I'm not saying its impossible but would require a serious power plant to achieve the lift necessary.  I think their was a theasability study done by the military but I don't remember the link. Again I don't mean to be a negative nancy but you would have your work cut out for you.
Post #88927
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