Does anyone know if there are these videos out there?
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Does anyone know if there are these videos... Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/22/2010 2:26:39 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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A friend got me these PHOTOS before the episode even aired on TV.

Yup you guessed it. I have a friend in Hollywood who worked on mythbusters

Check out our very own Jack's DVD screen capture with arrows added by Jack from 10/31/2005 here.
Here's the link to the actual post.
Now check out the same two images mysteriously appearing as that of an Hollywood insider's a year later here.

Post #78836
Posted 2/23/2010 6:25:09 AM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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You have a friend that works on Myth Busters and he is doing a show on the 1989 Batmobile . You owning a website primarily about the 89 Batmobile, you didn't think that relative to your site until now?

I thought I was your BFF .Oh and as far as the extorsion part, (Whats it worth to you)I still have your red venom tail lights I just have to figure out which is copys and which are the real ones then they will be on there way sorry about that.

 Hey why are we not seeing a video link to this show also? I know if Kory was running this board he would not be holding out on us like this.

Post #78849
Posted 2/24/2010 10:09:41 AM

KITT For Now

KITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For NowKITT For Now

Last Login: 2/2/2018 9:09:41 AM
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Here's the actual test:

You can look at the other parts for the planning and the testing of the grappling gun.

Post #78871
Posted 2/27/2010 10:13:21 AM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
Posts: 2,526, Visits: 12,771
Great find Maul.Looks like they came pretty close to making it the first time around.
Post #78893
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