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Mark Towle AND Kory Geik STILL UP TO THEIR... Expand / Collapse
Posted 4/7/2008 11:41:08 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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DarkKnightReturns (4/7/2008)
The Truth is Spreading.

Which truth would this be? Seems to be nothing more than a collection of assorted "Poor Mark Towle" statements. "The enemy is lying to you! The enemy is stealing from Mark! They are all liars, so believe what we say even though we are not posting a shred of picture evidence to support it!!!!!!! Band together against this evil, and stand up for your rights!!!" Haha - great marketing plan.... I think the Germans used a similar rally cry a few years back. "Attack the common enemy!!!!".

I watched the video - quite amusing, if I do say so myself. I especially enjoyed the gross misspelling of the word "Ridiculous" - as in, "And are being sold at R-E-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S prices". Hey listen - if you WANT to attack us, do it. If you WANT to talk your trash, DO it. But please, at least humor us and TRY to back it up with fact, please. You keep accusing us of not using any fact and just making shit up.... Well, where is your retort to the plethora of information we have posted, here?

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Post #68138
Posted 4/8/2008 1:54:18 AM

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They wanted documents and proof, let's see what they have to say about my facts and photo post. I think it is funny that none of these MT supporters post any photos of the alledged amazing masterpiece builds of MT's. They haven't even post any photos of there own cars. Could it be that no such builds exist? Can you just imagine their little G.G.faces when their prime 89 museum car(mine) shown on their site that they all bragged about is shown for what it really is here on CLTC.  
Post #68143
Posted 4/8/2008 2:59:14 AM

You reap what you sow

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Post #68145
Posted 4/8/2008 6:14:36 PM

You reap what you sow

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Post #68163
Posted 4/8/2008 8:40:49 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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Ya know, I am starting to notice there is a lot more threatening of lawsuits and such from the other side... I can't help but wonder - do they have ANYTHING to throw at us, besides the same old tired rhetoric? Have these guys really become so desperate, that instead of posting pictures of MT's alleged "quality", they simple threaten to sue anybody who doesn't agree with them? I feel like we're dealing with a bunch of spoiled brats here!

And now we have people like Scott, posting information to try and encourage people to take legal action, and is advising people as to what IS or is NOT legal? This is laughable. However, let's go ahead an play this game....

Someone sent me some text, which was supposedly posted on Gotham Garbage recently. I am going to take some of the bits from that, add my .02, then add a little more just for kicks. (original GG trash in bold)

Point A: One more thing to point out! Mark Towle is probably the most recognized and certainly the best Batmobile builder in the industry today Really? How do you define "best"? Quality of work? Turnaround time? Price? If you mean he is the best at twisting the truth in his favor, then sure! I can support that statement! But Quality? Turnaround time? Scott, quit acting like a little school girl for the love of God, and start addressing the issues - WHAT has Mark done (detail pictures, please - not distance shots of cars we KNOW are crap based on ACTUAL photographic evidence we have all over the site) to make him so great? What sets his cars above the rest? Superior craftsmanship? Not likely. Innovative problem solving skills? Well, the guys levels out dashes and rear turbine assemblies with rubber door stops, so that DOES win the "innovation" award....

Point B: and he has as he just stated been blocked from posting on this other site. Wrong, wrong, and wrong again (no surprise there). I posted an open invite to Mark to come on our forum and defend his work (his work, in case I didn't stress that enough... Not to threaten lawsuits, not to talk shit about everyone who disagrees with him). As per his usual MO, when the heat gets turned up, he disappears. Oh, don't believe me? Our forum software doesn't block you from logging in, even if you're blocked. So how would Mark know if he's blocked or not if his last login was a month ago?

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Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me.... We DID block him from certain viewing privileges, because we don't feel he has a right to come here and gain insight on how to properly build a car, if he refuses to participate in our threads at all and all he wants to do is talk shit (see the Mark's Build thread - we tried to get Mark involved for MONTHS, before his cronies starting acting REAL stupid). However, he can still browse and post in all the open forums, no problems at all.

Point C: A newbie to the business Batrodz has been blocked, Kory a premiere Batmobile specialist has been blocked from commenting on this site, BatKoach another very experienced and recognized builder is blocked, others are reporting they get blocked or deleted if they post any comments favoring MT or questioning the motives of these other builders. Is this freedom of speech? I don't remember Batrodz posting, and I don't really care. This is an internet forum - we can block whomever we please. However, Kory and Batkoach BOTH know why they were banned - let's go down the list - verbally abusing other members, creating false aliases to log in with, posting irate and inflammatory posts from day 1.... Should I keep going? DH, if you or anybody else finds the time, could you please look up some of the threads I am referring to? Let's show WHY these children were banned, so there is no more confusion.

Point D: All are welcome to contact the Free Trade Commission and file official complaints reporting these other sites for hampering interfering and intercepting the natural free trade of goods and services in the United States. Here is where it gets fun! Let's post some information on laws pertaining to "hampering, interfering and intercepting the natural free trade of good and services in the United States":

VI. Prohibited Conduct
Many laws provide a specific list of prohibited conduct which include: (i) fixing prices and other sale conditions, (ii) imposing barriers to market access, (iii) collusive tenders, (iv) limiting production or sale by fixing or distributing quotas, (v) concerted refusal to purchase products, provide services, or admit new participants to the market, (vi) allocation of markets, (vii) discriminatory and predatory agreements, (viii) tied-in acceptance of supplementary services, (ix) exclusive agreements, (x) abuse of dominant position or monopolization, and (xi) boycotts.

Commonality and divergence in this area depend on the law adopted by each country as well as on the case law developed by each national enforcement body. There are absolute, non-authorizable or per se prohibitions and relative, authorizable or rule of reason prohibitions.

By looking at these laws at all, we are already stretching the law by QUITE a bit. However, let's address some of the exceptions to the laws, since we're already discussing them:

VII. Exceptions to Prohibited Conduct
The enforcement bodies, on a case-by-case basis, may examine conduct which might otherwise be prohibited to determine if it could be justified by its pro-competitive and efficiency-enhancing effects.

The practices for which such exception is allowed include, economic concentration, certain vertical agreements on conditions not relating to prices like territorial representation or exclusive agreements, agreements that help improve production,
quality, and marketing of goods and services, development of research and technology, and utilization of economies of scale.

Do you HONESTLY think that we can't prove that, even if we WERE in some sort of agreement (which we are not and never have been in business together in any way), we aren't pushing for the improved quality of the overall product (not trying to "target" anybody)? If anybody has anything to worry about, in fact, it would be the ass clowns at GG who have quite literally banded together to attack certain groups of individuals, going so far as to promote the use of violence (and in some cases, mention of weapons - ALL recorded or screen captured, of course).

Has anyone really stopped to wonder why we have free trade laws in the United States and elsewhere? Well, unfortunately for the GG folks, it is NOT to go after small groups of people for talking crap (with documented evidence, mind you) about a Batmobile builder (I use the term loosely) on the internet. In fact, check this out:

Objectives of the Law
To stimulate and guarantee national and foreign investment to promote growth and economic and social development (Law on Foreign Investment, Article 1).

To regulate, control, and monitor activities in the telecommunications, electric, energy, transportation and water sectors, as well as others that are included in the System by law. To ensure that they operate efficiently, contribute to the country's development, provide service to all, while enjoying the effective protection provided in this law as they pursue the public interest. (Sectoral Regulation System Law, Article 1).

Scope of the Law
Acts or behaviors, of any type, related to the production or trade of goods or services, whose purpose or effect is to limit, restrict, falsify or distort competition or market access, or that constitute abuse of dominant position in a market, in a manner which may result in harm to the general economic interest are prohibited and shall be penalized.

The procuring of significant competitive advantages through violation, declared to be such by administrative act or final judgment, of other regulations is included in this article, provided the conditions stated in the preceding paragraph occur.
(Article 1 of the Law on Protection of Competition)

Do you REALLY think that a law designed to prevent international and stateside monopolies is going to be used to go after a bunch of internet Bat geeks? Grow up, guys. The laws you want to be focusing on are INTERNET HARASSMENT LAWS. And, based on several actions from the MT / KG / Assmonkey Brigade over the past couple of years, many laws that pertain to offline harassment, as well (gotta love the way some of these laws are written. For instance, since MT called me on my personal cell phone and made countless verbal threats in one late night, it now falls into a whole new set of laws! You learn all sorts of great things talking to lawyers). Cingular should keep call logs even from back then, so it shouldn't be too hard to get a call log that indicates VERY clearly that there were NO (Read: N-O!) outgoing calls from my phone (or any phone I own for that matter) to MT, but there WERE two separate incoming calls from his own number (which I saved).

(I am abandoning the Point system now, because I am writing too much - hard for me to keep track of what Point I am on!)

I am not much of a lawyer, myself, so I encourage everyone to read a little deeper into the crap-heap these guys are spewing out. At the very least, its good for a laugh!

Speaking of internet harassment laws, let's jump right into that, shall we? First and foremost, that is what most of us here would be charged with IF Kory and co. could even find an attorney desperate enough to take their case. They would be better suited filing a civil complaint, but I doubt any of us here have engaged in any actions that would cause so much as a critical eye being passed over them. However, information never hurts, right? Scott, Kory, Mark, or whoever you are recruiting these days, listen up (because you can use this information!):

In January, 2006, President Bush signed into law a prohibition on posting annoying Web messages or sending annoying e-mail messages without disclosing your true identity. Out of everyone here, how many of us use anonymous login names? Oh, wait - THAT'S KORY!!!!!! And guess what else? WE HAVE PROOF! (I am sure DH or one of the other mods will scour through some posts very soon here, but I have some from my old forum as well):





What's this??? The SAME IP address for two different people??? Either Kory runs an internet cafe in Sioux Falls, or he is posting anonymously to harass people! Check out this link on the latest Internet Harassment laws:

Of course, Internet Harassment is something that likely won't stick in court, unless there are other factors involved, as well. Something like..... Threats of physical violence? Well, other than me agreeing to kick any one of their asses, any time of the day (but I am not flying anywhere to do it, so don't even ask - I am a very busy man... I only kick asses locally), none of us here have ever been recorded threatening ANYBODY. Would anyone from the MT side care to comment? Post some pictures and some audio captures, perhaps? Now, just because this law would be DIFFICULT to enforce, doesn't mean it is IMPOSSIBLE....

South Carolina Man Sentenced In First Federal Prosecution Of Internet Harassment

Even so, here is some advice for the MT camp:

If I can’t file criminal charges against the cyberstalker/harasser, what can I do to them?

Often the victims of cyberstalking and cyberharassment are limited to civil litigation (suing the stalker or harassment) or reporting the cyberstalker/harasser to their ISP and trying to get their accounts revoked, or Web sites shutdown.

So, you can't sue us on a FREE TRADE violation, you can't sue us for INTERNET HARASSMENT.... What's left? Civil litigation (as I mentioned, earlier). At that point, it comes down to "who has the most evidence"..... Guess who's gonna win that game? And for the record, I didn't really care much about Scott throwing in his .02 and such recently, but I have noticed he has transitioned from being their "Webmaster" to "Just another crappy mouth piece". As such, I am gathering everything available on HIM, as well. Believe me when I say - I have been preparing for this shitstorm for three years with Mr. Geick - I can't WAIT until someone from their side is stupid enough to take legal action. That's like trying to stop a rhino by shooting yourself in the foot - you are only hurting yourself......

I know for a fact that a majority of the key members of this forum have received threatening or abusive e-mails, voicemails and forum posts from Kory, and several other members of the "other" team. Most of us chronicle these events in the form of saved e-mails, screen caps, voicemails, etc. For those of you who have never heard Kory's voice before, here is a fun one (I am saving a lot of the even JUICIER ones for later, when and if I find myself in a courtroom with these cool cats):

SO - final recap:

GG Tard are going to try and sue some of us over here. WRONG.
GG can use common monopoly laws to sue us. WRONG.
Kory and crew have not harassed, lied or threatened anybody, and are the victims. WRONG.
Justin is DARING these guys to sue him. TRUE.

Scott was kind enough to post information on how to get our personal contact information, presumably to..... what? Sue us independently? Harass us? Scott, are you encouraging others to contact us and harass us? Is that why you told people how to track us down? Come on, that is rudimentary, at best. Let me make it very simple for you:

Justin Walker
Archangel Printing
2133 W Foothill Blvd. Suite D
Upland, Ca. 91786

Come on by any time. I will be looking for the Certified Letter of Summons from your attorneys, and you can find out what happens when I get that. I am sitting here with a HUGE smile on my face, just waiting. Stop playing games, stop with all the threats, and DO it. And no Kory - in response to your phone message you left on my voicemail at work - I do not want to be "on your team". And more importantly, stop calling my place of business. Impeding my business practice (particularly based on the fact that it is not even in the same industry as you are, which automatically circumvents the need for any monopoly laws) will give me grounds to sue you on libel, slander, and loss of income based as a direct result on your actions. I am prepared, guys. Are you? Again, no talking, no thinking, just do. Or maybe that is the problem? You don't think, you just act?

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Post #68167
Posted 4/8/2008 9:03:06 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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Well said.

and let's not forget about all the threatening messages Jack had to endure or the email spams BATGOD recently received on his auctions.

And we only banned Kory and DarkVigilante1 so far

Kory for that DonC incident long time ago.

DarkVigilante1 for posting same message 3 times 2 days ago.

Other than that, I don't remember any BatRoz or any Batkoach account ever being created or banned.

Post #68169
Posted 4/8/2008 9:15:07 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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I don't recall Batrodz ever posting (but if someone wants to provide a link, I will correct myself), but I think John over at Batkoach posted a few times. He was still kissing Mark's ass at the time, trying to establish himself as a legitimate builder (don't know if he ever finished his car or not). Don't remember him being banned, but who knows? If he was, that is why. I am sure we can find the posts.

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Post #68171
Posted 4/8/2008 9:31:44 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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No BatRodz but I do see batkoach and he logged in today just fine


Post #68173
Posted 4/8/2008 11:14:39 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

Last Login: 9/6/2011 12:10:05 AM
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haha. Oh yeah, we're banning EVERYONE.... lol. Well, as it turns out, we aren't with the exception of Kory, Ted or whatever he's calling himself these days.

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Post #68177
Posted 4/9/2008 7:13:27 AM



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So no one except the 2 you mentioned have been banned?  Now or ever?  When I spoke to Mark yesterday, after talking to Kory in regards to a phone message he left for me, he said that he thought he was banned because when he tried to log in or maybe it was to post he would get a Red bordered screen with an error message?   I told him that the records showed that he still had access so I don't know what happened, could it have been some sort of computer glitch?  So anyway he said that he will not post here but would post on GG.  So all the others that claim to be banned are not, strange that they would state that they are especially since the record shows they logged.  All that ISP stuff is over my head.  None the less I don't think you will see any of them replying to the statements or questions asked.  However Kory said they are viewing the open area. 

I'm dizzy with all of this. 

Peace be with all good people...

Post #68182
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