Shagg's scratch build
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Shagg's scratch build Expand / Collapse
Posted 7/20/2007 1:39:32 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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That's just regular blue foam board that they use for insulation in houses.  You can get it at any building supply place like Home Depot or Lowe's.

As for getting it symetrical... it's not.  I just eyeball it.  To make it symetrical you need to build on a solid ruled platform and take lots of measurements...

Something like this.


Post #61531
Posted 7/22/2007 3:21:03 PM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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Sorry I haven't been posting anything lately, been busy with the honeymoon and such, then the past few days have been broke between putting a big block down in a station wagon, and working on my keaton-mobile.   anywho, as far as an update on my build, i have focused my work primarily on the passenger side of the car, i want to try and finish it completely so all i have to do is primer it down, THEN work on the driver side, using measurements from the passenger side, trying to line them up the best i can.   The front section of the fenders, where it dips into the turbine inlet is by far the most challenging section of the build, i hardly have any room to get in there and sand, and my dremel is a bit too big to sand in the area as well.  But, its getting better.   After i finish the left and right section of the car, i will then focus on the rear of the car, where the exhaust and such are going to be.  Now that the wedding is over, i should have a tad more money in my pocket the "throw around" and get-not only my automobiles finished-but the Batmobile finished as well.   i will post pictures as soon as i get ahold of a camera.   OH, and as far as the pic of me standing around not working, that really wasn't my idea to take that picture, BUT i figured it was a good shot of the poster i got on the wall of the Batmobile, so i decided to post it as well ^_^.    Happy building to everyone.  later

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”
Post #61698
Posted 7/23/2007 8:48:25 AM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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new pics, im hoping within the next month or so i should be able to start making a mold.

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”

  Post Attachments 
side finished.JPG (34 views, 127.68 KB)
front foam.JPG (24 views, 145.13 KB)
front bad bondo.JPG (28 views, 145.06 KB)
Post #61716
Posted 7/23/2007 7:22:09 PM

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Hey CONGRATS!!! Happy Honeymoon and welcome to Jail....I mean the club!! so how are you gonna do the mold?

...does it come in black?

Post #61762
Posted 7/24/2007 8:29:39 AM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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Note to self: Start with Clay, not Bondo, next time , Well as far as the mold, i plan on doing a basic scale version of what is done to the full scale version of the car, im going to get the surface to a high brilliant shine, primered, then lay down a coat of mold remover, lay down some gel-coat (gotta figure that part out, havent really had any experience there) then fiberglass over the gel-coat for strength, let that all dry, then build it up with plaster so i can turn the mold upside down and lay it "flat".  Now another thing to meation is the mold will be build in sections (such as a hood section, left side, right side, cock pit, etc.)  THEN, once that is all dry, pulled apart from this plug and capable of "holding" itself together once turned upside down, i will then again spray mold remover over the inside of the new mold, then lay fiberglass and resin down, one layer at a time, i might build up only 2 layers considering the scale of this car.    Then build the interior of the cock pit, as well as the complete chassis, replicating the 350 posisiton, suspension, fuel tank, brake lines, etc.   Yeah, i gotta long ways to go

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”
Post #61794
Posted 7/25/2007 8:39:13 PM



Last Login: 10/27/2014 6:30:59 PM
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WOW I totally missed this and I feel like a heal.  CONGRATS to you and your wife!!!!  Tell her the Gobbers at CLTC said congrats and thank her for letting you play with us. 

Post #61888
Posted 7/26/2007 7:56:34 AM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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lol i will, and thanks ^_^

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”
Post #61899
Posted 7/26/2007 8:58:41 AM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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i came into work this morning and sitting on my desk was a hot wheels sized Batmobile, and below it was a note from our cleaning lady that said "i seen all your pictures you had as your screen saver on your computers at work, just thought i would get you something".  i thought that was sweet ^_^.   I've actually been trying to find ANY model of the Batmobile with no success, so this made me VERY happy. I'm taking a break from the build, my wife is getting ready sometime at the end of august to build her first fuel injected V8, and i need to make sure we got all the basics covered.  i'll post new pics once i get back to sculpting.  Thanks again to everyone for all the encouragement.  Until then, for all you Tumbler fans, laugh until your sides split.   Im pretty sure most of you have already seen this once before, but i thought it was funny.

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”
Post #61900
Posted 7/31/2007 8:51:40 PM

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Your WIFE is building a fuel injected V8?

Damn i really am a rookie.  ask her to do a Buick V6 for me!

...does it come in black?

Post #62046
Posted 8/1/2007 8:01:39 AM

Getting Better at Internets

Getting Better at Internets

Last Login: 7/15/2024 5:22:43 AM
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Yeah, well, she is relying on me to show her EXACTLY how to do it, but i told her i cant garuntee it will run, not becuase of the engine, but we are not so sure the "brain box" is good (considering the truck was up to the windsheild in mudd when i bought it .  Lol, I'm sure either her or i would be happy to build the engine, BUT, if it is a 60 degree block it would be a first for both of us , and im sure shipping and handling would eat you a new (censor).

“It’s not who I am underneath, but what I do that defines me”
Post #62068
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