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Desktops Expand / Collapse
Posted 5/8/2006 3:47:40 PM

Forum Guru

Forum Guru

Last Login: 3/25/2022 5:22:19 AM
Posts: 581, Visits: 421
Because my brain can only focus on work for approximately 3 minutes at a time, I want to create some desktops of the 89.  Attached is one and I'll do some others.   Any ideas for a cool desktop to make are welcome too! 

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Post #48133
Posted 5/8/2006 4:33:56 PM

Forum Guru

Forum Guru

Last Login: 3/25/2022 5:22:19 AM
Posts: 581, Visits: 421
Here are two more of the rear of the 89 with a red CLTC on them.  They are the same except for different text graphics.  When I save the big files to JPG they lose too much image quality, so I saved them as TIF - which is higher quality, but larger.  So I'm hosting them, you'll have to save them to your computer; (right click - save as)

Back One

Small pic:

Back Two

Smal pic:

Let me know if you download one and which ones you like. 


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Post #48141
Posted 5/8/2006 5:58:52 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
Posts: 2,910, Visits: 4,045
Dude hope u don't mind but i saved the one you posted as me desktop. It's frickin blindin lad. Fair play to ya. I love it.

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #48163
Posted 5/8/2006 8:51:42 PM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

Last Login: 9/6/2011 12:10:05 AM
Posts: 3,367, Visits: 4,625
Thanks Matt! Looks great!

Design and sell your own custom t-shirts, on your existing MySpace page, for free! Download the AP Product Labs app from the app gallery, today.
Post #48178
Posted 5/9/2006 11:17:54 AM

Forum Guru

Forum Guru

Last Login: 3/25/2022 5:22:19 AM
Posts: 581, Visits: 421
Thanks guys - check out the members' desktops - you should like them!

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather, who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.
Post #48224
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