tunica bat
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tunica bat Expand / Collapse
Posted 3/3/2006 9:26:03 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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Ha! I have you beat. Just hit the 800 mark!
Post #44849
Posted 3/3/2006 9:42:13 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
Posts: 2,910, Visits: 4,045
If I rent a dvd, I never bring it back on time and end up paying for overdue amount's so I just buy them now instead. I thought I was doing ok but U have me beat man. I now step aside

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Believe and succeed
Post #44850
Posted 3/3/2006 9:44:22 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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I haven't rented in years...
Post #44851
Posted 3/3/2006 9:46:16 PM



Last Login: 8/17/2016 5:46:32 PM
Posts: 2,282, Visits: 7,280
10 bucks x 800 = you could have had a 89



Post #44852
Posted 3/3/2006 9:58:36 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
Posts: 2,910, Visits: 4,045
Dammit Rusty, don't put things in perspective. When I think of all the cash I've ploughed into cars that i could've owned a ski lodge in Aspen by now it doesn't really force me to plough more money into a car I can't drive every day. Who Am I kidding. Yeah it does

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #44853
Posted 3/3/2006 10:01:56 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
Posts: 3,607, Visits: 3,397
Where do you get $10 new releases?? I hit Target every Tuesday to get the new ones. they used to be $14.99 but now they are $16.99 I don't buy them all, of course, but there's usually 1 to 3 good ones out each week. I don't go to the theater anymore since the kids were born. Well, except for the kid movies...
Post #44854
Posted 3/3/2006 10:04:29 PM



Last Login: 8/17/2016 5:46:32 PM
Posts: 2,282, Visits: 7,280
i was trying to round it out .. so 15 x 800 = you really could have had a 89



Post #44855
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