Fun with a bandsaw
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Fun with a bandsaw Expand / Collapse
Posted 10/6/2005 6:40:00 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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You can? gee thanks...
Post #35933
Posted 10/6/2005 6:45:58 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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I would have rather done it with the 1/18th, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I wasn't sure how well this was going to work.

Dave, see what you made me do?..
Post #35934
Posted 10/7/2005 10:08:34 AM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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Next I will scan in all of the slices and trace them in Illustrator. Of course I still have to slice up the other half, only that half will be sliced up length-wise.

Post #35935
Posted 10/7/2005 11:16:35 AM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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Only 37 more of these to go and then the lengthwise sections...

Post #35936
Posted 10/7/2005 12:27:46 PM
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Brilliant Tim !!!!

But I almost crapped when I saw the first pic of the chopped vehicle, and didnt know the reason for its demise!

Bill W.
Post #35937
Posted 10/7/2005 12:40:56 PM

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A lone Bugle call echoes across the greasy wet rooftops of nighttime Gotham City.... The Last Post.

All ears hear the haunting solo. From the screeching rats knawing at refuse in the labyrinth of alleyways, to the prostitutes selling their souls for dirty money or the next score on the street corner. Cars slow to motionless, the beatings pause for the briefest of moments, enough for the victims to register and take a gasp of stench filled air. The city's heart falls silent, all Gotham stops.

Atop Police Headquarters, a shrouded, solitary figure rejoins the night that gave birth to him. His tribute paid to his valiant steed crafted by his hand. It's thunderous, throated roar now silenced forever in violence. Sliced into singular pieces by some twisted, bitter soul.

His Batmobile is dead.

God pity you Tim.

A little song, a little dance..... Batman's head on a lance.
Post #35938
Posted 10/7/2005 4:06:53 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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If God didn't want us to cut stuff up he wouldn't have given us Sawzalls!!
Post #35939
Posted 10/7/2005 5:24:56 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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And for the same reason he gave us glue.

DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #35940
Posted 10/7/2005 6:35:11 PM



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Post #35941
Posted 11/15/2005 4:39:50 PM

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Nice work. So what will you do with the measurements ? Blow them up to the size that matches the full scale and trace them out ??

I was planning on doing somehting like this but wasnt goint to involve a computer... just project them onto a wall then trace cutouts...

Drop me a line as to where you are going -- the way you are starting out seems very logical to say the least...


Gotta do it
Post #35942
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