Hot Wheels 1/18th Tumbler
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Hot Wheels 1/18th Tumbler Expand / Collapse
Posted 6/3/2005 8:19:51 PM
Supreme Being

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Major flaw # 1

Post #31179
Posted 6/3/2005 8:28:08 PM
Supreme Being

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And I thought I had no life.

Did the batmobile interest peak with the release of Dave's 1/18th hot wheels?
That's what happened with me.
I had a hiatus until I stumbled onto the 1/18th diecast and decided to makee the website.

Yeah Jack?
I mean, Tim.

Post #31180
Posted 6/3/2005 8:33:20 PM
Supreme Being

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Major flaw # 2 - Front wheels too big.

Post #31181
Posted 6/3/2005 8:35:12 PM
Supreme Being

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The area above side intake is wrong, too
Post #31182
Posted 6/3/2005 8:41:19 PM
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Post #31183
Posted 6/3/2005 8:42:57 PM
Supreme Being

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This is what the 1/32 Tumbler plastic kit looks like.

Post #31184
Posted 6/3/2005 8:45:56 PM
Supreme Being

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Where do you get all those wonderful pics? (oh yeah, eBay)

That looks great! Gonna have to get me one (or 12)
Post #31185
Posted 6/3/2005 8:52:36 PM
Supreme Being

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Not ebay.

I need life.....
Post #31186
Posted 6/4/2005 1:17:29 AM
Supreme Being

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No more discrepancies, Timeister?
Post #31187
Posted 6/4/2005 11:33:21 AM
Junior Member

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Hey Tim, just sent you some Hot Wheels 1/18 pattern pics. Remember though, this pattern is 1 1/2 upsized from the final. Yes, I think a lot of areas are going to be off because unless the designer in charge is a get basically something that's "good enough".
Post #31188
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