Four bonus features on the 89 cruiser
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Four bonus features on the 89 cruiser Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/20/2022 2:22:01 PM
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Last Login: 11/19/2022 4:11:05 PM
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Going down the rabbit hole I have seen so many amazing things! From a lot of recommendations and things I have read here, I decided to get in touch with Gotham cruisers. I think that’s the way to go since the person that was selling the fiberglass kit on Facebook marketplace would not give me any references to people that have purchased his work in the past. He only responded “I’ve been doing this 20 yrs” when I asked him. Now that I’ve been getting more involved I see a lot of features that I would love to incorporate. But how???
1. Afterburner. I definitely want this. I’ve seen a guy that has an actual jet engine back there and I’ve seen other people that have some sort of fogging device. I’ve even seen some serious flamethrower action.
2. Guns. Definitely want this. I’ve seen real blanks and I’ve also seen some sort of air compressor mixed with red light to create the effect of a machine gun which was pretty amazing. I saw it in Al Burmasters custom made cruiser.
This would be my choice!
3. Hydraulics? I’ve seen some thing that I had not thought of before from a YouTube video. One builder incorporated hydraulics so that the frame could be lifted when necessary. After looking at a few pics, I thought “what if I go to the market and have to go over a speed bump?” This will definitely come in handy.
4. Led console in cockpit. Saw this done on Al burmasters cruiser as well. Although it may not be screen accurate, it sure does look pretty amazing!

Here’s my question. If I show the person who will be building this for me all of these YouTube videos, Instagram accounts, and photos will he be able to make these things happen? Is there some kind of template that people have used in the past? I know there are a lot of other components that are made for the 89 and I will definitely have to start looking for those. I’m sure gotham cruisers could lead me in the right direction as well. What’s everyone’s thoughts/experience on this?

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Post #170227
Posted 2/20/2022 9:27:18 PM

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2. Guns
Sim fire is the way to go. Something like
Post #170228
Posted 2/21/2022 5:54:17 AM
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Wow yes!!! Okay great. Thank you this is a huge help!
Post #170229
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