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RECARO SEATS Expand / Collapse
Posted 4/23/2020 2:17:37 PM

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Last Login: 6/10/2021 10:13:30 AM
Posts: 5, Visits: 138
Hello friends,

Yes, it's still me.
As here I saw perfectionist people and I recognize myself in them I will talk about RECARO seats.
As you all know, the devil is in the details.
On many photos of the original Batmobile we see leather seats with a special headrest.
But there is also a control box on the left side of the driver's seat and on the right side of the passenger.
On the forum the subject of seats has been mentioned a few times but ..... Do you really know the seats used?
1) can the headrest be a modification made on a seat?
2) Was the original seat really made of leather or was it covered?
Already two interesting questions.
Because on other replica photos we can see RECARO seats in vinyl or leather but without control box.
I would add that some people think that the seats are not RECAROs.
Admit that there is something to lose its Latin.
In short, many RECARO seats have the same shape and style regardless of the year ...
Just change the headrest and cover them with vinile and voila.
I think many have opted for this solution.
Because as I said there is no control unit.
And I read that you were not all of the same opinion on the model and the series.
So, RECARO? Model 89, Audi, BMW, or fiat 500?
Post #168476
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