Building information on 1989 build
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Building information on 1989 build Expand / Collapse
Posted 1/5/2020 1:20:02 AM
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Last Login: 2/16/2020 2:29:53 PM
Posts: 5, Visits: 20
Hey folks,
Looking for information on parts and information on this build.not a professional builder it was a started project then handed to me.its only about 10% complete this is going to be driven to event's .not looking to make exactly as looking for the front turbine fan with cone would like to use a variable speed fan so it cools the engine compartment, there is guns on it they look like they are propane and air they have fittings and wires on them not sure what it takes to fire them safely, interior has aviation controls and dash but no brake assembly or accelerator or shifter has center controls that I was going to use.but no seats so ideas on them. The afterburner I was thinking about propane but no idea on how to make that any information about any of these issues would be a great help to move this project to completion.thanks for everyone's time.
Chris ray
Post #168026
Posted 1/5/2020 9:49:51 AM

Supreme Being

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Last Login: 4/6/2024 5:28:59 PM
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Sounds like you got into a nice project car with a good start. I guess from the level of the parts you are talking about the body is already on a donor car, which is nice. If so, I would guess it's almost 80 to 90 percent complete. Please post up some pictures, that will attract a lot more members to look at your threads and provide help.

For the guns, do a google search for simfire 50 cal. or similar and you should find the info you are looking for.
Post #168030
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