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  Blueprints giveaway
 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:45:38 AM |

Blueprints giveaway

Person to display best pic of themselves wearing Justin's shirt to the Batman Begins movie is going to get 4 Original Keaton Batmobile Blueprints.

If only one person posts, then that person wins by default. As mentioned in other threads, please buy the shirts and support everone's effort in bringing the shirts. I am not making money off the shirts and Justin's printing them at a loss..

Good times!

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:47:31 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

If I sell enough, I break even! YAY!

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:51:13 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Awesome, I'm in.

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:52:35 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Hey, am I even eligible???

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:55:02 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

You are eligible, Justin. We'll let people decide if more than one person posts.

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 2:56:27 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Sweet. I'm in.

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 3:02:58 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

The picture needs to be really creative...

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 3:06:05 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Can we enter more than once???

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 3:09:50 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

I don't see why not

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 5:04:08 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Hey who's making the rules here?
But basically what he said.

 From: Jack | Posted: 6/9/2005 6:15:09 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Doo Hee said "What he said" I smell another T-Shirt idea. That could actually become a commercial world wide catch phrase. Excuse me while I copyright and trademark it.

 From: Jack | Posted: 6/9/2005 6:22:39 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

I think Justin's girlfriend is going to win this one!

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 11:13:01 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

You're supposed to blur out face from the photo.

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 1:00:34 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Who was looking at her face?

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 3:58:36 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

The picture I saw didn't have a face.

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/9/2005 4:01:44 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Yeah I know. It was the stock photo I used for e-bay and all that jazz. I really thought that shirt would sell well, because it looked really hot on girls.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 4:45:26 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

At this rate only three of you guys are going to post.
Want to split 4 blueprints 3 ways?

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 5:31:02 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

I just realized we have to be wearing it to the movie. What do you think I am some kind of nerd? I plan to wear my Batman costume.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/9/2005 5:32:44 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

If you're not with me, then you are my enemy!

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/9/2005 5:52:55 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Are you telling me to SHUT THE FUP?

 From: Bill Woslum | Posted: 6/13/2005 10:51:15 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Ok where do I get the shirt, and how much are they? I just want to help support our gang in Bat Land :)

Bill woslum

PS: My batmobile is going to end up around 21 feet long, as I haven't done the fiberglass body yet, but am having to includ my cars original internal bumpers'/piston/shock unit under a flexable rear quarter panels' distal lateral aspect. I am hoping to appease the law-makers here in florida by having things as up to code as I can, "so I dont get my licence yanked for illegal everything on the vehicle." So how do the other guys get away with using a plastic windshield ????? I'm told I MUST have mine safety glass by our DMV!!!! AARGH !!!!!

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/13/2005 10:54:24 PM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Check this thread


 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/15/2005 1:19:07 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Post your midnight showing pic!

 From: Jack | Posted: 6/15/2005 1:25:38 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

Yeah and one of your girlfriend too.

 From: Justin | Posted: 6/15/2005 6:16:37 AM |

RE: Blueprints giveaway

lol. Pic to come tomorrow! I need to upload it, but it is 3:18am right now... I have to be at work at 7am.

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