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  Nostalgia time
 From: Webmaster | Posted: 9/29/2004 8:12:35 PM |

Nostalgia time

Old 89 Batman Trailer.
That batmobile sequence still kicks ass!


 From: KeatonCar | Posted: 9/30/2004 4:55:19 AM |

RE: Nostalgia time

I have been waiting a long time to see that again, I have the original film on VHS, however I don't own Batman on DVD so I don't have the trailer at hand. Yeah I know.... how can you not own it, yadda-yadda-yadda, blah-blah-blah.

The reason is that I always lived in hope that one day someone, like the Criterion Collection, might do a special edition of the first film with added bells and whistles. It was I think one of the first released dvd's, so therefore only came with scene access and trailer and a couple of sparce pages of production text. Now warners, tut- tut, you know that if I wanted to read text about the film that I would gone out and already bought the official guide to the movie. Once again a low road taken with this publication.... no behind the scenes pictures of the creation of the car, just standard studio press pictures and only two pages..... BAT-stards!!!!!!

Now to warner's credit it had the good sense to give us Batman early...BUT.... shame on them for waiting so long to do a special edition DVD of it. It now looks that patience has it's own rewards and indeed a special edition is on the way. Pity that the DVD is being released so close to the new movie, as it can only bring in more fans to the Keaton version of the Batmobile, and show the new guys how a batmobile is created with artistic flair..... if you put both cars side by side and asked anyone which was the Batmobile..... I'm pretty sure that Anton's baby would get the pointing finger first..... sure, at the time of bale's movie it would be the new car, but people would still say they prefer the Keaton version.

"Creating the Batmobile for this film is like taking your gothic designed surroundings and putting that into vehicular form, so that the car is given artistic depth and a soul in it's very conception and is a visually strong essence of the world of The Batman."

God Bless You Anton.

 From: BMB15 | Posted: 9/30/2004 11:06:56 PM |

RE: Nostalgia time

Nothing is ever gonna touch Batman 1. Best creative direction (batmobile and batwing), direction (burton) and acting (come on, nicholson, can't beat it). It still remains and will always remain as the best action hero movies (and one of the best action movies) of all time.

 From: Donovan | Posted: 10/4/2004 9:57:35 PM |

RE: Nostalgia time

Beautiful...sniff...simply beautiful.

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