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  Few more screenies
 From: Webmaster | Posted: 9/6/2004 1:55:55 AM |

Few more screenies

Behold the ultimate bad ass!

 From: Donovan | Posted: 9/18/2004 4:32:47 AM |

RE: Few more screenies

To this day, I love Batman Returns more than the original.

That last pic just oozes bad ass all over.

 From: The Joker | Posted: 9/18/2004 7:20:28 AM |

RE: Few more screenies

i agree with Donovan, this car is the koolest. My favourite part is the rotating shaft that comes down out of it. I am still trying to figure out how I could make that work in my car.

 From: sg1star | Posted: 9/18/2004 7:14:32 PM |

RE: Few more screenies

hey webmaster, think you could get me some screen shots of the caccone shell, i have little refrence for it and want to build one for my batmobile (naturl not one that really pops out but insted it will be on hyrdolics lift and will rase up and lower onto the car, not portable..)

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 9/19/2004 6:35:59 AM |

RE: Few more screenies

You do realize the coccoon in Batman & Batman Returns is completely different right?

Anyway, here are few grabs but the movie is too dark and doesn't show much detail. At least you can see the a hard shield material that bends magically and tucks neatly underneath the car.

 From: Donovan | Posted: 9/19/2004 4:08:09 PM |

RE: Few more screenies

How can those wheel cover protect the tires?
The tire is still touching the ground?
So couldn't some thug just lift the car and do something with the exposed tire?

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 10/14/2004 1:11:34 PM |

RE: Few more screenies

The coccoon for the 1/25 batmobile kit:

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