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  Is this taken from a different mold???
 From: www.thebatcave8k.com | Posted: 1/17/2005 9:37:51 PM |

Is this taken from a different mold???

So I was browsing the ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY THREAD, (and bombarding it with images) when I noticed something... This is an image taken from (I think) the Batman show at Six Flags:

Notice how the front of the car has a little "scoop" thing, like a snow scraper or something on the front of the car under the turbine intake. Now look at this pic:

Clearly, no scoop is present. So my predicament is thus: If JAY OHRBERG made the Six Flags cars from the molds WB handed to him, wouldn't they be the same as the movie cars, as well as the same as the cars taken from those same molds at a later time (like from Butts?)? Or were these SEPERATE molds used to make the Six Flags cars? OR, were the little trash scoopers added after the car was pulled from the mold??? (That wouldn't make too much sense since their does not appear to be sufficient room to simply "install" these pieces after the fact.)

 From: Tim | Posted: 1/18/2005 12:39:20 AM |

RE: Is this taken from a different mold???

I believe that the piece you're looking at is part of the frame and not part of the fiberglass body. I'm not sure what purpose it serves.

 From: sg1star | Posted: 1/18/2005 1:04:08 AM |

RE: Is this taken from a different mold???

tims right, its not part of the body, when u magnfiy the photo u see its under the body not with the body, as for what its used for im not sure, if i was to take a fast guess i would say so they could pull the car up onto a tow truck a little easyer.

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