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  B&R Car
 From: Wayne | Posted: 3/21/2005 11:28:21 AM |

B&R Car

Does the car have any door or do you have to hop in to get in?
And did the movie ever feature any gadgets on this car?

Sorry if this is an obvious question but I have erased this abomination called Batman and Robin out of my memory since I saw it when it opened.

 From: Rip Claw | Posted: 3/21/2005 1:40:27 PM |

RE: B&R Car

All you saw in the movie was a 'disable robin's cycle' switch and an ejector seat. The open top design sucked. Anyone could just be waiting for the batmobile to come along and shoot batman in the head.

 From: Jack | Posted: 3/21/2005 5:17:59 PM |

RE: B&R Car

Here are a couple of shots of the car that Dave sent me a while back. I did not like the car in the movie but after seeing these pictures I have started liking it. Dave said the car is huge. Look at its size compared to the car beside it and the Mystery Machine. WOW. No doors.....

 From: scifiwolf | Posted: 3/21/2005 8:11:32 PM |

RE: B&R Car

Great Pic! Jack, you got any more pix of that thing? I'm workin on designing a custom body for a Jaguar XK-120, and the B&R car is the perfect template for it. Only problem is, I can't get any decent pictures of it.

- scifiwolf

 From: Jack | Posted: 3/21/2005 10:27:27 PM |

RE: B&R Car

Those are all that I have from Dave. I have a few I downloaded from the Net but you probably have seen those. The Patent has some really good drawings of the car but the model kit my be your best bet.

 From: VMan | Posted: 3/22/2005 7:26:00 AM |

RE: B&R Car

You know, that kind of ticks me off...

Here the B&R car looks like it gets washed and waxed on a weekly basis and the Keaton car is trashed. It looks like WB uses the '89 as a taxi or to do landscaping on weekends or something.

I'm sure it's due to the fact that the '89 has been much more popular than the B&R therefore had to show much more. They probably haven't shown the B&R since the movie opened.

 From: Wayne | Posted: 3/22/2005 4:45:20 PM |

RE: B&R Car

It sure is quiet without 1989 Tim.

 From: Wayne | Posted: 3/22/2005 4:56:27 PM |

RE: B&R Car

 From: www.thebatcave8k.com | Posted: 3/25/2005 2:12:41 PM |

RE: B&R Car

I really like this car in the picture above, where it is sitting next to the Mystery Mobile. HOWEVER, I hate it in all the other pics. WHAT GIVES?? I like the heavy duty BLACK/SILVER thing going on, but when the siezure-inducing light show comes on, it totally kills the mood for me.

 From: Baneful | Posted: 3/25/2005 2:25:56 PM |

RE: B&R Car

It had better induce seizures.

I want to forget such car was displayed in certain movie .

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