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 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/12/2005 4:13:51 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517

This is the message I got forwarded this afternoon.

Hi *****************,

23 feet long, 7 feet wide, 11'7" wheelbase. 440 lbs for the main body. Includes many small parts. Chevy Caprice donor. 20K for the body kit and assembly instruction manual. Yes, I have made almost 30 of these cars in my lifetime, plus the Kilmers, the 66's, several Batbikes, the Batwing, BatDuck, Shield and the Batski boat.

I'm retired from the business now to work full-time in film and only consult and advise other professional builders who now have my molds. They can produce any of the cars I've done plus several other Bat vehicles you might be interested in.

I do NOT answer additional questions without a consulting fee. Sorry.

My fee is 1K PayPalled to mail@codeoneauto.com This fee is a deposit for the serious buyer to obtain a car and have all of his/her questions answered. The money WILL be applied as a credit to the purchase, but is non-refundable.

Thank you for your time, enjoy the pics!


Paul Sher Jr.


TunerGirlz TV



----- Original Message -----
From: *****************
To: *****************.com
Subject: 89 Batmobile
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2005 10:48:35 -0700 (PDT)

My name is ***************** and I'm looking to purchase a complete 89 Batmobile replica body. I have viewed your webpages and wish to receive additional information about this car. Can you help me out and do you actually make this replica (cost, wieght and dimensions)???


I contacted Paul at Code One TV and Movie Cars to see if this was true and here's what he had to say about it:

Hi Guys,

You might be a bit confused from that last carbon copied email, but it's true...

I'm OUT!!! Tired of the BS. Not just the Bat BS, but the the movie car BS in general. Lots of people who LOVE to ask questions about cars they'll buy one day when "I hope to have a high-paying job one day and to someday own one of these incredible automobiles." (Lifted from CLTC.)

Too many cashless jerks clogging up my email and wasting my time.

I was interviewing a new TunerGirl about two weeks ago. We went to the beach and she showed me a tiger tattoo on her ass, peeking out from under her suit. I asked her why she got it there instead of on her back, she said "Cause it looks awesome when you have me on all-fours... (she demonstrated in the sand) doesn't it? GRRRRRRR!!!!!"

And at that moment... You know what I thought about?

This is sooooo fucked up.

Jay Ohrberg!!!

No, not that way you pervs.

When I negotiated the purchase of Jay Ohrberg Star Cars from him about 6 years ago, I asked him why he'd want to give up doing cars? He said;

"I'm sick of playing in fibreglass, I've got nothing left to prove to anyone. The business is going digital. There's nothing that I want to make that motivates me to get out of bed in the morning. All I really want to do for the rest of my life is take the molds, take the jobs and leave me to my girls and my beach."

I've criticized him for that for years.

But I swear to God, that day on the beach, I'd just finished my Kilmer car and was on a high from that. But I'd not been kicking back on the beach in at least 15 years and it was soooo much better than seeing the Kilmer car on display. And that's fucked up, because that used to be the greatest feeling of all, seeing a car go from liquid glass to showroom is a feeling you can't imagine.

Butts told me a long time ago that I should have people working for me who make the cars and I should just travel and make the deals. I didn't listen...

I get it now!!!! Jay was right, doing this many cars only leads to one thing. The desire to just chill on the beach with a dozen teenage girls. When I was little, I used to idolize Jay, meeting him for the first time was like seeing GOD himself. I used to stare in awe at all of his cars. He walked across them like they were old tires as I watched in horror. He taught me sooo much when I was such a cocky little shit who thought I knew everything. I've been walking across the hoods and roofs of cars for 10 years now, they seem like old tires to me.

He's taught me one more thing now...

"Quit while you're still ahead!"

And so I have.

I'm not taking any new projects, I'm taking care of the existing orders and committments (Overseas Batbike and 66, Coyote, Justin's 66) and then I'm parting with the molds... ALL MY MOLDS. Not keeping a fucking thing besides my cars (And that's no small order, KITT, KARR, Knight 4000, Ice Pirate's JP6, TunerGirlz Batbike, 66, 89, Batwing, Charlie's Angels Indy Car, Defender, Magnum Ferrari and TC's Chopper, Black Scorpion 911, F&F Z, and I'm gonna ride off into the sunset on my ZX-12)

The Scoobymobile, Pinkymobile and all of the subsequent TunerGirlz projects are going to be gifts for the TunerGirlz and we 10 are going to spend the rest of our days "workin' " on the show all week and "chillin' " on the beach each weekend.

I can't thing of anything more fun to do with the rest of my life than that.

Can YOU?

Last Edited by Webmaster: 7/12/2005 4:15:27 PM

 From: Baneful | Posted: 7/12/2005 4:58:55 PM |

Posts: 157

pardon my ignorance, but who's Paul?

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/12/2005 5:01:25 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517


 From: Baneful | Posted: 7/12/2005 6:56:23 PM |

Posts: 157

that's a real shame
i would have alos loved to ask him to build me a batmobile if i had the cash.

 From: Justin | Posted: 7/12/2005 8:43:30 PM |
Head Lemming

Posts: 1355


And also Paul's OTHER project:

You should see my OTHER car. Its a scooter.

 From: Nitro | Posted: 7/12/2005 9:45:13 PM |

Posts: 741

That Paul sounds like a great guy.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/12/2005 10:05:05 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517

These photos are great b/c this site is called 'chicks love the car'

This final photo is little out of place b/c this is 'chicks' love the car, not 'guys' love the car.

 From: Justin | Posted: 7/12/2005 10:29:30 PM |
Head Lemming

Posts: 1355

Well there is that nose cone piece we were all asking about recently...

You should see my OTHER car. Its a scooter.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/12/2005 10:31:29 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517

 From: Jack | Posted: 7/13/2005 7:07:40 PM |
Gothic Avenger

Posts: 1947

I have made almost 30 of these cars in my lifetime Where in the hell did they all go? Like the Tootsie-pop, the world may never know.

Would have been nice to have seen some of Paul's pictures (other then the 5 or 6 that have been around for years). Oh well, Paul best of luck.

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