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  Message to FIRST time visitors
 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/19/2005 1:10:59 AM |

Message to FIRST time visitors

Due to trolls, we had to password protect the site. We'll put registration process within a week. Please surf around and check back soon (Not you trolls, you know who you are!).

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 6/21/2005 10:56:07 AM |

RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

Wow, 74 views.

I hope it's actual 74 first time visitors that have viewed this message, and not Tim clicking everytime checking to see if there was a new post

 From: Tim | Posted: 6/21/2005 11:10:13 AM |

RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

 From: Nitro | Posted: 6/28/2005 7:18:33 PM |

Posts: 741
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

Tim have you been working out.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/2/2005 5:03:08 AM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

Registration process is complete

Please register at:



 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/12/2005 12:19:26 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

I activated all following new registers.
I sent out email when activation is done but I 've gotten complaints that email from this site usually goto SPAM folder b/c of the domain name.

So if your name is on this list, rest assured you can log in and post.

Mr A

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/14/2005 1:09:44 AM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

Youngbat, your account is active now!

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/14/2005 6:37:21 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors


Your account is active now!

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/15/2005 11:33:14 AM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

hedgrinder and Blito P3,
Your accounts are active!

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/15/2005 3:24:33 PM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

bat dude,
Your account is not activated.

Your ISP says your email doesn't exist.

Last Edited by Webmaster: 9/13/2008 4:05:35 PM

 From: Justin | Posted: 7/15/2005 7:28:04 PM |
Head Lemming

Posts: 1355
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

I love this whole registration thing! We have been getting lots more members, right?? :) Now if they would only post!

You should see my OTHER car. Its a scooter.

 From: Webmaster | Posted: 7/16/2005 11:53:36 AM |
Need Life

Posts: 1517
RE: Message to FIRST time visitors

Darknight Detective and jonhunt,
Your accounts are active now

Now please post somthing....

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