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Q for the car/kit makers |
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 8:27:04 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Here is the car Kory got so upset about last year. I spent four months straitening out a Bob Butt’s body kit, I removed all the tape lines put the peaks back on the fenders and straightened out the wings and have them come to a point as the original once did. I re-struck the entire door, hood and trunk lines.
Kory attacked me on the 66 board using various factious names as he did on this board. Calling my pictures photo-shopped, cheap and thin with out ever seeing one. He says how great Marks cars are with ever seeing one of those either.
I feel that our kit is the finest 66 out there, and invite anyone to come and check out our car and compare with any other out there!!
This summer I will offer an 89 that will rival any thing out there!!
From: Jack Knight1979
| Posted: 11/20/2005 8:38:00 PM
Posts: 212
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Nice Pic.
I don't have a batmobile, but I have a remote R2-D2
From: Justin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 8:42:13 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
See? The bastard can't even resize....
hey Kevin, you holdin out on me?? I never saw that one.
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 8:47:34 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Sorry Justin; I photo-shopped it the best I could.
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:01:01 PM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
I actually saw that body in person, it looked pretty dang good (if you're into the 66 thing)... What about the Black Beauty?
Kevin, don't make me blast you for BS. You were to have 89 kits last Summer you lazy bum..... Get to work!!!
From: Justin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:02:44 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Yeah get to work! I will allow you to make mine first. See how nice I am?
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:06:49 PM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Yeah and me a 66 for practice.
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:21:58 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Jack I totally forgot about the Black Beauty Molds. Bob purchased the Barris Butts Black Beauty molds a few years back. Bob brought them to me and asked me to correct the discrepancies in the front and rear sections of the molds. I opened up the gun doors on the front and back and raked the front end in a more down and inward as the real car was. I re-casted the molds and they look as good as the real car.
Yes I know I am slow, I have too many irons in the fire, cut me some slack Jack.
You guys get a special price on kits.
Bob is just about finished with the Black Beauty, I need to get down there and get some pictures of it.
Bob is just about finished with his first full build up 66. It has to be completed in January to be turned over to a customer who ordered it. It took him a total of eight months to get this far for a weekend builder, while working on the B.B. Personally I don’t like full builds it takes up to much time.
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:29:46 PM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Cut you some slack? I don't think so.... What makes you so special? I mean it's not like you're a single parent trying to raise 2 kids, working 12 hour shifts, building your car when you get a few minutes here and there, while producing 66 bodies for a guy named Bob. Now step away from the Photo Shop and get to work.
Special price? Now I remember TWICE as much as everyone else….
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:34:08 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Shhhhhhh, people are watching.... I thought that was you special price.
And don't forget I have never been paid for all the work I have done!
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:45:11 PM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Never been paid? That sounds like the right price for me. You're hired when can you start?
From: Justin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:46:12 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
How fast can you learn to screen print?
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 9:55:49 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Well, I did get a free 66 out of the deal.
From: Justin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 10:02:47 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
MUCH better than a simple lawn jockey. That is what we call the front yard of a redneck Batmobile enthusiast...
"You MIGHT be a redneck Batmobile enthusiast if you've got two Batmobiles in your front lawn, neither of which run!"
"You MIGHT be a redneck Batmobile enthusiast if your kids don't have food on the table, but you're '89 has a new leather dash!"
"You MIGHT be a redneck Batmobile enthusiast if you've ever said the phrase 'Chicks Love the Car', and BELIEVED it!"
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Justin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 10:03:25 PM
Posts: 1355
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
You should put the '66 up on blocks, just for kicks.
For more information on replica Batmobiles and "kits", check out
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 10:08:54 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Justin; we got the 89 running Friday night and the 66 was a running driving car from the shop who cut it down as part of the deal.
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/20/2005 10:12:50 PM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
"You MIGHT be a redneck Batmobile enthusiast if you have more fiberglass on your lawn then in your attic."
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/20/2005 10:15:52 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
You got me there Jack!!
From: 2wylde
| Posted: 11/21/2005 11:33:23 AM
Posts: 377
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Wow. this turned in to an interesting thread!!! Anyway, lot sof good info/pointes from Jack. Kevan, do you own a shop? I've checked out your progress, but always figured you were just building a one off for yourself. Having a search feature would be helpful on this site for digging up this kind of info...
From: Jack
| Posted: 11/21/2005 11:55:44 AM
Still Happy
Posts: 1947
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
I'm just a guy building a car in my backyard and garage. I"M NOT A BUILDER.
From: Maul
| Posted: 11/21/2005 12:00:36 PM
KITT for now
Posts: 182
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention during the thread. Jack, can you post a list of current '89 builders?
From: Jack Knight1979
| Posted: 11/21/2005 12:01:24 PM
Posts: 212
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Jack, you're showing some AWESOME work! Can't wait to see this badboy rolling. From the build pics I've seen thus far it's going to be one sweet ride.
BTW, I really liked your weather proofing idea for the truck. That was excellent.
I don't have a batmobile, but I have a remote R2-D2
From: Kevin
| Posted: 11/21/2005 12:34:21 PM
Posts: 906
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
No I don’t own a shop; I am building my car out of my garage. The 66 kits are being pulled out of the local Cobra shop; the owner has been very gracious to us. He allows us to pull the molds and cars in his shop at no cost to us. We do purchase all our supplies from him at the same price he pays. He gives me technical support when needed. He scratch builds his Cobras from the frame up.
He is finishing up a full race version with an integral roll cage, that is going to go to Turkey Rod Run this weekend. I will shoot some pictures this weekend to post on the board, Jack has visited the facility and seen his work for him self.
From: 2wylde
| Posted: 11/21/2005 12:41:50 PM
Posts: 377
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Very cool. Thanks for the info guys.
From: Tim
| Posted: 11/21/2005 7:26:48 PM
Posts: 2411
RE: Q for the car/kit makers
Just curious Kevin, who is "us"?