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Batmobile Forum
London Bus Gas cap?
From: n8mobiles
| Posted: 12/27/2005 3:21:57 PM
Where's mine?
Posts: 432
London Bus Gas cap?
So got the new 8 disk set,
and in the building of the batmobile, one of the builder team said they got the gas caps off of a london bus!
OK web wizards, FIND THAT BUS! Even though the cobras look VERY right on this car, it's something to search for. Britsh members, this is a job for YOU!!!
Then go to the junk yard, and get a few for us!
Chip Foose, I am your doppleganger
From: Kevin
| Posted: 12/28/2005 4:09:34 AM
Posts: 906
RE: London Bus Gas cap?
Like this?
From: n8mobiles
| Posted: 12/28/2005 1:04:01 PM
Where's mine?
Posts: 432
RE: London Bus Gas cap? That's a nice mustang lemans cap but I wanted to see if there was any
real difference between the cobra caps and this bus gas cap they used
on the originals. That cap looks VERY right on compared to the shot from Tim's site of it open on the onstar car, could the bus use the same cap?
Don't we have some UK Brits that can look around the bus depots?
Last Edited by n8mobiles: 12/30/2005 2:12:29 PM Chip Foose, I am your doppleganger