It's Official! I'm Now a Batman Licensee!
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It's Official! I'm Now a Batman Licensee! Expand / Collapse
Posted 9/8/2009 11:20:15 AM

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Last Login: 10/18/2023 12:03:11 PM
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Territory and Distribution Update!

It is with great pride that we make this announcement.
We have now obtained 'Direct to Consumer' sales to Australia and The United Kingdom.

As it stands, we now can sell all our Batman Leather Outerwear to the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia.

This means that we can accept orders directly from the UK and AU, and be able to ship to those territories as well.

Please give us time to update the website to accommodate these new territories!


Post #76483
Posted 9/8/2009 12:15:08 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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Will you folks have any 1989 stuff coming out in the future.

Is there a reason you don't have your stuff on e-bay? If I was a guy that just paid 600-3000 for a replica suit and did not know yours was out there  and available, I would feel pretty crappy not going with your authentic licensed made to be worn movie accurate suit.

Post #76484
Posted 9/9/2009 2:22:00 AM

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

"Tardmonkey of the Year"

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Design and sell your own custom t-shirts, on your existing MySpace page, for free! Download the AP Product Labs app from the app gallery, today.
Post #76505
Posted 10/23/2009 3:53:36 PM

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I sold 7 TDK's all on Ebay   2500-  8000.00

told them all of these awesome gloves!!!!

infact one has already bought a pair

are u kidding me

Post #76977
Posted 10/23/2009 4:05:58 PM
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Nice Job dude. Do you make these suit as your day time job, or is this just a hobby/second stream of income for you?


"Your entrance was good, his was better."
Post #76978
Posted 10/24/2009 2:55:20 PM

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Considering you have your own thread about your suits here on CLTC, I'm kindly asking that you not try to hijack my thread.
You've recast the full TDK statue from Studio OXMOX seen below..and bragging about selling copies in my thread.

I'm not the bat police, but I'm going to have to ask you to not pimp your goods here on this thread.
David Pea
Universal Designs Ltd.
Post #76986
Posted 1/21/2010 1:08:58 PM

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Just to clarify one point... I was not bragging about selling your gloves because I did not do so.

I was complimenting how "great" your gloves were.   I simply reffered people to you that wanted your fantastic boots and gloves... Your suit is amazing, abosolutely the best MX suit in the world in my opinion, and your gloves and boots are perfect.

This is a site I believe that each of us adore as fans to talk about and share cool bat stuff.  It not a place to sell our products, but give avenues to help others in thier quest to become "the Batman".  Anyone here will likely attest to the fact that all I do is help when I can.  My hope is that you except my compliment. 

I have a real job... that keeps me busy. However ,on occasion I may build something for my personal collection of cars and suits. I become excited, when others want what they may not have the ability to build or time for themselves. If possible time permitting since I actually work for a very large company the United States I will try to accomidate some by custom building whatever it is they want that I  may have ,or the capability building. Possible a car , a plane, a superhero suit..whatever for thier collection that they commision me to build. Proceeds typically are given to the Childrens Hospital Network or the Childrens Shriners Hospital her in Greenville. 

So post away young man and ...and may your good will  proceed you always.



are u kidding me

Post #78298
Posted 1/22/2010 3:34:24 PM

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Can you see the forest? It's just past those trees...

Post #78308
Posted 1/29/2010 12:46:54 PM

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Though a tree grows so high, the falling leaves return to the root.

are u kidding me
Post #78406
Posted 2/7/2010 2:57:14 PM

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Here's a look at our very first 'test fitting' of the TDK Batman Motorcycle suit...and now that this day will soon come for everyone else Dave gave me the go ahead to post these.

This was an exciting day for us all.






Nothing new to report production wise. Everything continues to go well and we're on schedule for Feb/March 2010 delivery.

Wave II does in fact focus on Batman Begins and after the visual and technical achievement that is the TDK Batman Motorcycle suit we're hoping to raise the bar to a whole new height with what's next for 2010.
Oh and yes, something to carry your own Bat-Gadgets around in is coming...

Thanks for the continued support everyone!

Post #78532
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