Topan's Batpod build
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Topan's Batpod build Expand / Collapse
Posted 11/19/2020 2:46:16 AM

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Last Login: 4/10/2022 2:25:53 PM
Posts: 4, Visits: 65
Big Batman and motorcycle fan here. My first costume ever was Batman when I was 5 years old. I've been riding bikes since I was 12. And for the last two and a half years I've been making movie costumes and props as a hobby that is basically draining all my cash And then I saw a few videos by spidey4fun. Instantly hooked

I know nothing about building cars or motorcycles, but I am a fast learner

My biggest dilema is street legal vs non-street legal. Not being able to ride everywhere kinda makes it half the fun. However there are some very strict rules within EU and Czech Republic when it comes to extreme bike makeovers or building from scratch. I am still looking into it. Anybody from Europe have any experience with this? Are there any street legal bat vehicles in the EU?

If I somehow find a way to make it street legal, I would propably use my old Kawasaki VN 800 Classic that sits in my garage. If not and I am only able to make non street legal version I guess I'll go with electric motor.

I've been reading a lot on this forum lately and also doing some research among motorcycle friends but any help or thoughts is greatly appreciated
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