What axle was used on the front of the Tumbler?
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What axle was used on the front of the... Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/25/2018 11:44:47 PM
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Last Login: 5/18/2019 1:17:32 AM
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Ok really simple question, which I hope someone has the answer to.
The front axles on Tumbler were obviously lifted from something else and chopped up. But which axle was used? And importantly, is there anything in the UK that has the same axle?
Post #160352
Posted 3/1/2018 6:56:54 PM


Last Login: 12/4/2023 11:08:55 PM
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Ok really simple question, which I hope someone has the answer to.

The front axles on Tumbler were obviously lifted from something else and chopped up. But which axle was used? And importantly, is there anything in the UK that has the same axle?

Welcome to the forum RobWrath.
My research indicates that original Tumblers front axels were fabricated from Dana 60 four wheel drive front axles. This axle is widely available in the UK. But, any axle similar to the Dana 60 would work.
Are you planning a build?
Post #160376
Posted 3/23/2018 5:42:02 PM
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Last Login: 7/17/2023 4:37:50 AM
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I have not seen the Tumbler in real life to tell you all I have are photos to go by I am preparing to build a Tumbler myself and what I plan to use is a front axle That they used in the old vintage dragracing type front axle it is called a gasser Style front axle they could be purchased 1 or 7 at a time My theory on the Front axle is they needed several of them and they needed them fast they did not want to go to salvage yards get them clean them up cut them up etc. They have ordered Several parts that I can confirm came from speedway motors or a supplier like them the brake calipers the rotors and several other parts for sure came from speedway motors or a supplier like them If I Seen a good picture of the axle I could confirm 100% what it is if i found a good enough picture If anyone would care to post one I would be able to Find it out for sure if you Google speedway motors And look up the gasser style front axle you’ll see what I’m talking about I will also predict that the Ford 9 inch floating rear axle came from there as well They have a lot of parts and they have them in stock and if someone needed several front and rear axles fast that would be the place along with the other parts check it out
Post #160463
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