On My Mind
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Posted 8/12/2014 11:27:18 AM
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Last Login: 8/12/2014 11:30:40 AM
Posts: 1, Visits: 2
Hi there everyone,

Well I'm glad that I've found an entire forum with regards to something that has taken over my mind some time back. Okay here's my story:

So I was browsing the Internet sometime during November-December of 2013 and I came across the Hot Toys version of the Batmobile Tumbler. I was instantly blown away. This was no ordinary car. So I started to look for second hands and found a seller who was willing to sell one to me for 1/4th the original price which was about $1000 worth in AED terms. So I took him up on that sale, as it turned out, he played me and the tumbler was a broken piece. Nothing I could do, So, I boxed it up and kept it away. One day, I realized I could build it into an RC car which was a 1/6th Scale RC car. The reason why I want to do this is because its actually just a box, a box to look at and show off in the house. I cannot deal with that, I would rather have my 1/6th Scale tumbler turned into an RC car which would be awesome to drive on the streets.

So here I am, I'm actually looking for schematics for about 1/6th Scale Batmobile Tumbler. What I'm thinking is that to have an aluminum chassis made and perhaps, maybe, just maybe also have the entire thing done in aluminum, that really depends on the costs associated. I wouldn't even mind if I just had to screw in the plastic top into the metal chassis. Anyway, so what I'm looking for are some Bluprints, some sort of designs that I can utilize. And any sort of guidance. I would like to thank you all in advance. Thanks a tonne, and hope to hear from anyone of you soon.

Take good care.
Post #106439
Posted 8/14/2014 11:52:12 AM

#1 Batmobile Builder

#1 Batmobile Builder

Last Login: 11/1/2021 3:45:24 PM
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Shaggy is your answer. Just look at all his Tumbler build logs.

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