Pictures worth $30.00
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Pictures worth $30.00 Expand / Collapse
Posted 11/24/2005 5:20:25 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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You'd know if it was William Shatner. He'd be holding a box of Bran Flakes.

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Post #38752
Posted 11/24/2005 5:38:44 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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??? Does he do Bran Flakes commercials in Ireland? (or is he just full of sh|t?)
Post #38753
Posted 11/24/2005 5:41:12 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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Aw dude don't tell me u don't get the embarassing William Shatner Bran Flake ad's over there. Ur one of the lucky countries not being subjected to the pain that is The Bran Fleks adverts.

DE 66 IS COMING........

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Post #38754
Posted 11/24/2005 5:44:36 PM

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Whose goin 4 a pint???

Last Login: 7/17/2022 12:06:22 PM
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DE 66 IS COMING........

Believe and succeed
Post #38755
Posted 11/24/2005 6:24:13 PM



Last Login: 8/14/2013 8:15:11 PM
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Nope, he does commercials here. I understand a lot of celebrities do commercial in other countries but not here. (bigger celebs like Tom Hanks advertising Doritos or something)

Post #38756
Posted 11/24/2005 9:06:15 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

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Jack the grill pattern is smeared, not very defined.
Post #38757
Posted 11/24/2005 11:04:29 PM

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I know I've ragged on this before, but notice on page 2 where you can see the windshield up close, that it's CURVED from top to bottom. Not just a flat piece of plastic bent in place. If I were making an 89' I would fight for that like mad. Trust me when I say that it will make your 89' go from an amusement park piece to a real batmobile.
To do this however you will need a canopy that has a windsheild edge that goes inward AND upward on the inside. The ones I've seen from the Butts molds, and six flags (I used to make the costumes back in 92') were all just flat cheap plastic bent in place. They looked horrible. So you need the canopy remolded with an inside lip going inward and then a perpendicular edge for the windshield to rest on. The windshield will come from a mold either glass, or the latest urethane (U.V. resistant). If anyone wanted me to do a project in lieu of the 89 car this would be it. You do not want to rig your current canopy with a bondo type job. The eyes of the car are the WINDSHIELD. First thing people will look at.
Post #38758
Posted 11/25/2005 1:23:20 AM

Resident CLTC

Resident CLTC

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If you check the window trim you can see that the canopy is either Lexan or Plexiglas holes are drilled through and screws with nuts and washers are installed.
The windows are not glass but preformed composite and drilled and fitted to the canopy.
There is one inherent problem when curving the glass in that fashion, it causes a distortion.

Post #38759
Posted 11/25/2005 10:16:47 AM

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but what car is this. The car on page 2 is not riveted from the outside as far as I can see. With a molded windsheild you could rivit it from the inside lip (first lip goes in, then second lip goes perp. to that) so from the outside you will not see an attachment. The pic on page 2 of this post is what I see when Batman and Vale approach the road construction, he hits the brakes and we see a closeup of the canopy as it opens toward the camera. That's when I first noticed the windshield years ago. How would a molded windsheild create stress? It would fit up against the lip perfectly without having to use pressure to hold it in a shape. You could remove it and replace it with another from the same mold which would again sit perfectly in place. I wouldn't hesitate for a second to have this. This would make having to have a new canopy Mandatory though. the windshield edge must align to the lip without gaps. I have done this sort of thing several times. The windshield itself must be at LEAST 1/4" thick for maximum effect. We first did our windsheilds thinner, and found the thicker looks WAY better. gives you that bullet-proof glass look up close.
Post #38760
Posted 11/25/2005 10:23:58 AM

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Oh, wait, you mean making glass in this curve causes distortion. Ah! if so there is a way around this. There is a urethane that is water clear, will not warp, is resistant to U.V. coloring, and is sandable and buffable without ending up foggy like MAR lexan is(i.e. if you scratch it, and attempt to buff out the scratch it will never be the same). You would POUR the urethane in a windsheild mold, and when cured, buff it up with a high speed pad using rubbing compounds and when done, it will be unbelievably glass-like. You could also tint it. Using urethane is how I would do it, because the hassle of having to farm it out might be a pain, plus urethane has some flexability (not much) but enough to resist shattering.
Post #38761
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