Running gear UK?
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Running gear UK? Expand / Collapse
Posted 10/6/2015 6:56:13 AM
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Last Login: 10/6/2015 7:35:15 AM
Posts: 10, Visits: 54

I like many other dream of building a Batmobile (89/Keaton) but Im stuck on the starting blocks as step one is to get the running gear sorted before you start making it batmobiley (actual word )

A big problem is Im from the UK, and most of our cars are NOT seperate body and chassis, but I have seen (with my own eyes) an 89 car that started its like as a Jag XJS (UK model), so it CAN be done!!!

But.... its the kind of work that one man in his garage cant do, so my question is, where/who do I turn to? I am located in the south east of england (kent) and basically want to find a company and say to them "hey, I need a car that has 140" wheelbase, the driving position is here, and the tyres are this big, I want you to chop and change a donor car to suit, but it must be road legal" and them to say "we can most certainly do that, it will cost a few grand"

Then there will be no stopping me!!!!!

So, are there any companies that do this?

Post #149049
Posted 10/6/2015 12:01:50 PM

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

Last Login: 3/29/2024 12:55:58 AM
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Passing the extended SVA test for UK legal? Would love to see that

Try Bernie and Leepu from Chop shop garage

Making an 89 road legal in the UK is tricky to say the least, all sorts of comprimises. That, together with trying to use it as a daily driver here will be difficult? Our roads and tight junction corners are not made for a 20 foot long car (you are sitting more than half way back). You will get about half way across a road before you see who is smashing into your side (OK front side mounted cameras might help). And all of that's before any insurance woes " Hello, I would like to insure my Batmobile" he he Only don't call it that name! Or profit from it's use! Or portray a negative image than the character and all associated works/words images and etc already promotes. Or else DC/WB gonna get ya

Never mind, if you already have the shell, I'll come and pick it up for you and put it to good use as a display piece

Seriously, what UK donor to use? Have you thought abought trying to import the donor running gear with the kit? Not sure what else to offer as an opinion - and no I do not have a full size Batmobile.

There are companies in the UK who build chassis with whatever wheel base and running gear.

"There is no end but the end is near!"
Post #149051
Posted 10/21/2015 3:59:27 PM
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Hi there, I'm a engineer that's currently building a tumbler for my friend. There is a place called z cars in Hull that would be able to build you one no problem.
Post #149095
Posted 10/22/2015 2:42:35 PM

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

Last Login: 3/29/2024 12:55:58 AM
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Yep If you wanna go that way ££££££ and not get a screen accurate car

"There is no end but the end is near!"
Post #149100
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