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Posted 7/30/2008 5:57:11 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
Posts: 7,314, Visits: 29,372
A little troll history for those who are wondering what the fuss is all about. This site is not affiliated with any builders or kit makers out there nor does the site get any commission or make money off of any members. Site is run out of my own pockets with few generous donations by members and clciks from ads. Anyone is welcome to promote or post the link to their sites but some people just can't play fair and had to ruin the fun for rest of us by trolling and trashing other builders out there.

1. Brett

Followed Kevin and Justin here from other boards back in 2005. Posts nothing but  derogatory comments about Kevin and Justin. Some members wanted to give him benefit of the doubt and tried to engage him in a civil conversation without any luck. Claimed the two original cars never left the england. The forum at the time allowed anonymous posting and his trolling forced the site to adopt a registration system. Joins GG and then gets burned by MT and Kory. Actually left a comment in the BUY KIT section apologing to Kevin few months ago.

2. Kory

Joined Brett in attacking Kevin and Justin. When the forum adopted registration system, MT emailed me and asked that Kory be allowed in and promised he will behave. He was let in and had few legitimate posts but was subsequently banned when he started igniting few flame wars and finally posted now infamous Don Currie 's thin kit picture to further the flame war. Jack had some heated debate with him and Brett over at GG and during the debate he claimed that he had a friend in Hollywood that fed him all the insider knowledge and pictures only he could get. His so called insider pictures turned out to be Jack's DVD captures from Batman Begins DVD he posted here a year before.

Link to Jack's pictures:
Link to captured post:

3. Don Currie

Been with the site since day one. Jack gave him the ''89 parts list and other valuable info when he was just starting his own build. He now claims otherwise but Jack has the email where Currie begs Jack for parts listings and other info. Went batshit insane last year when some of the members pointed out the flaw in his kit and started harrassing moderators and posting trolling comments. Constantly asked for his account to be banned. BATGOD intervened and asked me to delete his build thread and assured me he will not bother anyone. I obliged and deleted his account and his build thread.
Came back two months ago and started trolling using the "Leave Comments" section on the main site. I un-deleted his build thread and posted the said comments there. His cronie joined in soon afterwards and claimed I unjustly banned him(and then claimed DonC is the best builder). DonC also registered a new account and got ready to praise his own build but was caught red handed. Soon he asks to be banned again. Never heard again but started another trolling post in the comments section of the main site last night. His trolling continues on.

4. Kevin Patnode

Nah, just kidding. He's all right. He's been burned by trolls so many times over the years he sometimes gets too offensive(almost trolling ) when it comes to above mentioned trolls. That's why I put 'Resident Troll' under his name as an inside joke but he's been a very valuable member of the site since day one. But sucks badly at Internet and moderators have to constantly help him with pictures and posts.

Post #70880
Posted 7/30/2008 6:43:40 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
Posts: 2,526, Visits: 12,771
I knew that Patnode was trouble . Good call DH.
Post #70883
Posted 7/30/2008 6:47:15 PM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
Posts: 2,526, Visits: 12,771
Just kidding Kevin.
Post #70884
Posted 7/30/2008 7:52:09 PM

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

"Andy Smith is my Hero".

Last Login: 3/29/2024 12:55:58 AM
Posts: 2,067, Visits: 5,479
TROLLS ? Is that these newbies who dont even have a car to promote ? Or even post pictures of their own 'builds' ? Or SHARE information ? 

(Mr A now takes his tounge out of his cheek)

"There is no end but the end is near!"

Post #70886
Posted 7/30/2008 8:26:14 PM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
Posts: 7,314, Visits: 29,372
Mr A (7/30/2008)
TROLLS ? Is that these newbies who dont even have a car to promote ? Or even post pictures of their own 'builds' ? Or SHARE information ? 

(Mr A now takes his tounge out of his cheek)

Those are called ASSHOLES.

Post #70887
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