Kruse selling an 89 Batmobile again
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Kruse selling an 89 Batmobile again Expand / Collapse
Posted 8/5/2005 7:56:00 PM

Resident CLTC

Resident CLTC

Last Login: 3/3/2024 6:39:56 PM
Posts: 2,343, Visits: 8,993
It looks like Kruse is selling the same car over and over again. What is up with that?

Post #33901
Posted 8/6/2005 9:17:03 AM

Resident CLTC

Resident CLTC

Last Login: 3/3/2024 6:39:56 PM
Posts: 2,343, Visits: 8,993
What a load of hooey.... I hope that people dont really believe this. Here is what they posted.

Live Auction Vehicle Detail:
New York City, NY
September 9-11



Batmobile "Batman Returns"

One of the authentic “BATMAN RETURNS” BATMOBILES(© & TM 1992 DC Comics, Inc.) that was actually used in the box office blockbuster movie, “BATMAN RETURNS” sill be one of the major feature attractions at the FINE MOTOR AUCTION & LUXURY LIFESTYLE EXPO, Sept. 9, 10, 11, 2005 at Piers 92 & 94 in New York City. This incredible vehicle is one of the world’s most famous and unique automobiles and is absolutely one of the rarest collectibles imaginable. This outstanding vehicle is not a replica or movie promotional vehicle, but rather the #3 of 5 Batmobiles actually used in the “BATMAN RETURNS” MOVIE. A Warner Bros. & DC Comics sales approval agreement is included. Each Batmobile bidder must be pre-approved by Warner Bros. & DC Comics. All bidders should notify Kruse International 1-800-968-7777 at least 10 days before the event to give Warner Bros. & DC Comics sufficient time for the approval process. Car Collectors & museums from throughout the world are ecstatic and buzzing about this extremely rare opportunity of purchasing one of the authentic “BATMAN RETURNS” BAT MOBILES that was actually used in the Warner Bros. record breaking movie “BATMAN RETURNS”. The BATMOBILE will cross the auction block at the FINE MOTOR AUCTION & LUXURY LIFESTYLE EXPO, Sept. 9,10,11, 2005 at Piers 92 & 94 in New York City. This car collector masterpiece is one of the most recognized movie vehicles in the world. Record breaking crowds will be attracted to any museum & will add the crowning touch to any major car collection.


Post #33902
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