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Posted 5/9/2005 8:20:01 AM
Forum Guru

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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:36:43 AM
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Wow Brett, you're right! I just realised that you are so cool! For someone who doesn't care what people think, you sure spend a lot of time telling everyone how great you are!
Post #30447
Posted 5/9/2005 8:20:17 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:35:43 AM
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"Well your brother built the '66, so you are DEFINATELY not a builder, Brett. lol. You guys are a joke. Have you got nothing better to do than bother people who do not like you on the boards? Brett, you were banned from GDog's board. You have been nearly banned from Eric's '66 boards countless times. Get this straight - NOBODY LIKES YOU! You are a big joke in this industry. Whatever your opinions are of me, or of Kevin or of Don or anyone else, it seems to be you against the world my friend. Get a life."

Justin, I am not trying to bother anyone I am laying out the facts for others to deciede for themselves. You bring up Glen and Erics boards like it has some kind of bearing on what I will say. It won't. Justin I don't need some wannabe straightening me out as to who likes me or who doesn't.

I am not the one who has to pretend to be a builder or an army ranger who lives in a dream world. I'll Leave that to you. Kory Proved that.

Justin, You are an internet Vampire who feeds of the work of others. Your claim to fame is by dropping names of who you know and what THEY have done, Not what YOU have done. Let's get real Lil' Pup show us what YOU have done. Show us YOUR builder knowledge. Justin, Stop Talking about doing something and do it. until then I think I will nickname you "The Great Mouth"

So, Great Mouth anything brilliant to show us? Come on Great Mouth Spew some more pseudo facts.

Post #30448
Posted 5/9/2005 8:20:27 AM
Forum Guru

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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:36:43 AM
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Kory proved what? Like when you guys tried REAL hard to attack my military service and then I posted all my documents on the web for you to see, INCLUDING my MOS designator? Or were you too illiterate to read them?

As far as my claim to fame, I spend alot of time telling people I am not a builder, again and AGAIN because YOU keep bringing it up! It is YOU who are always trying to make me out for more than I am. But thanks for making me feel good!

Now go back to telling people that your '66 is a real numbered car. I see that the article was removed from the internet. lol. What, embarrassed that we called you on it? Awwww, poor Brett.
Post #30449
Posted 5/9/2005 8:20:37 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:35:43 AM
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Justin you remind me of the Great OZ Or the Great Mouth in this case. Keep on babbling. You Keep bringing up the article that I didn't write. You admitted to lying about the 89 batmobile rides you posted you had taken with unknown owners. You have posted that you were a builder remember when you said to ratwithwings "Do you know who your talking too" acting like you were some great builder. Like I said you portray something you clearly are not. Justine you keep saying your not affiliated with any certian builder and that your site is informational only well again justin you have painted yourself into a corner It is fine with me if you align yourself with Don but don't deny it. Anyone with a brain can see what you are doing.

Post #30450
Posted 5/9/2005 8:20:47 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:36:43 AM
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Well then you clearly do not see what I am doing Brett - because you do not have a brain! I did not lie to anyone, and I have proven myself time and again. The only people that attack me are the ones who don't get what they want out of ME - like when I turned you down when you asked to buy my site, or when I refused John's offer to buy a Batmobile. Get over it Brett. And you are right, you did NOT write that article. You only fed them the information, like your car is numbered and Barris tried to buy it off you, etc. etc. You and your brother looked like a couple of naive hillbillys in front of your car, BTW. Oh right, you said they only asked you a couple of questions and then "made up the rest". My bad. Funny how you only pop up these days to cause trouble, and yet I am here all the time posting informative stuff and helping people out to the best of my ability. You can hate me all you want, but most people know who to trust. Sorry buddy.
Post #30451
Posted 5/10/2005 8:21:03 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:35:43 AM
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The Great and Wonderful Mouth/Justin has spoken. If I want a site I will build one. You have proven yourself to be a liar time and time again. Your site is not affiliated with any builder. but you take Batkoachs link off because Don gets you to as a stipulation to a deal you have with Don. maybe Don will build you a electrical conduet piece of junk. Hillbilly? LOL I live in Iowa it is flatland you dork. and No we don't grow potatos. when was the last time your builder buddy Don built a 500 hp dyno tuned motor and put it in one of these cars his would shake apart and crack into pieces. I have seen one of his famous builds at Volo needless to say I was not impressed.
It takes a well built car to handle this justin
Post #30452
Posted 5/10/2005 8:22:13 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:35:43 AM
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If the people know who to trust why have they not defended you? If your the man...... Remember Justin I don't hate you. i just want people to know the truth about the cars. and who they are dealing with. So tell us agin of your adventures in the 89.
Post #30453
Posted 5/10/2005 8:22:24 AM
Forum Guru

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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:36:43 AM
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Wow. All this because I took John's link off the builder's list on my site since he HAS NOT YET BUILT A CAR. Hmmm... How dare I. I know you have been told by countless people already Brett, so I doubt you will listen now, but grow up.
Post #30454
Posted 5/10/2005 8:22:37 AM
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Justin, If you stand behind what you write I have no problem. However, you portray your self one way then act another. Your site say you don't support any given builder, But then you align yourself with one coercing people? you have shown your lack of intelligence by posting an email proving this.

Justin wrote this to John H.

"No no, its nothing like that John. Don Currie is
helping me out with a special project, and as a
stipulation he asked me to remove it until you finish
paying for his parts. That is all - I do appreciate
your offer and I still might go for it when you get
some cars built. The only thing is that Don is REALLY
helping me out right now, and this was part of the
deal. As soon as you two hash out your issues, your
site will go right back up! (hopefully with pics?)"

What is actually happening here Justin? It is easy to see.

1. " Don Currie is helping me out with a special project, and as a stipulation he asked me to remove it until you finish
paying for his parts."

SYNOPSIS: This proves Justin has aligned himself with Don (contridicting what his site portrays) and is taking orders from Don. Justin how do you know John owe's Don anything?

2. "I do appreciate your offer and I still might go for it when you get some cars built. The only thing is that Don is REALLY helping me out right now, and this was part of the deal."

TRANSLATION: What you are saying Justin is You have found someone else to deal with but if this falls through you may still want to use John in the future. And that Don convinced you to conspire against John so he can coerce or possibly exhort money from him. Is this a crime Batfans?

3. "As soon as you two hash out your issues, your
site will go right back up! (hopefully with pics?)"

TRANSLATION: Justin, what you are saying is as soon as John does what Don says you will put it back up.

SYNOPSIS: Justin, This just shows what a creep you are. You know what I find is extremely funny though, Is that you keep calling other people stupid. Justin, You are your own worst enemy. You talk so much Great Mouth that you contradict yourself at every turn. And in my nearly 40 years on this planet I have come to realize, that, is the first sign of a compulsive liar.

Post #30455
Posted 5/10/2005 8:22:49 AM
Forum Guru

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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:36:43 AM
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Get over it Brett. Removing John's link was my choice, and I already explained this on Eric's board. Learn to read buddy. And as far as "Aligning" myself with any particular builder... Once again, read the disclaimer on my site:

"I do not replicate these cars for profit, and I do not sell for any particular builder."

I do not SELL for any particular builder. Stop twisting words to your advantage Brett. And if I DID align myself with any particular builder, it would still be none of your business. Furthermore - you tried this same crap when I posted pictures and defended Doug Hines. Your accusations are getting tired and old, as is your presence here on the board. Post again when you have something helpful to the community kid.
Post #30456
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