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Posted 5/8/2005 8:17:27 AM
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Last Login: 5/10/2004 1:35:43 AM
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To whom it may concern, Kevin did say the Casino car was his. However, for some reason his returns car isn't done? That IS odd. Now I could really careless if you lie to the people on the boards. But, when you stand idoly by and watch felony fraud take place and do nothing to stop it(which is a crime in most states) It shows a complete lack of integrity.

Kevin were you not at the Kruse auction that the fake 66 sold at? Yes, you were. However, you didn't have the guts to stand up and say The car was a fake at the time the sale took place did you? NO!!!! You stood there with your finger up you A-hoe. Then waited until the begining of the following week to unload this info on Mr. Moore. Remember? If I recall correctly and I do, Chris Woodside was also one of the people at the auction who looked the other way until the auction was over. You and he watched felony fraud take place and did nothing to attempt to stop it. Pretty admirible....NOT!!!!

As far as Kory being an owner goes I hate to inform you are incorrect. He does have a car it is being built and the body is mounted.

Kevin you talk about being a builder LOL show us one replica car you have finished please. OH, still working on it how long has it been?

Ok I'll tell you something (As a builder) Yes I have a car and drive it all the time. If you can't build a Returns car in 4 years the 66 will take you 8 years. Remember boys and girls the returns car has no doors,no hood, no deck lid, to hinge and make function properly. I will say that Kory and I have had our differences but I agree that the Urban Legends need to stop.

As far as Bob Butts goes (God Rest His soul) He was a nice guy. He did make these cars avaliable to us for that I give him the thumbs up. As far as a car builder his cars were Junk but being the only ones out there. people were in awe of the car. The plans provided with his Kits are good for nothing but to wipe ones a$$ with. if you foolow them you will end up with a door sagging death trap. His hinge designs were crap and none of his cars were actually solid. Unless you call plywood zip screwed to the rockers of the donor and the body then zip screwed to the plywood solid. His cars had dogged out 460's with less than 200 hp ta the flywheel. Build one with over 400 hp at the rear wheels that holds together then we will talk.

Then we have Justin, Who has drivin in all kinds of Returns replica's who collects info and plans on writing a building manual on how to build the poorman's batmobile.. . Figgin idiot.

I don't want to hear about how great Don's cars are either. Can you say totally inaccurate. Ever see a car with electrical conduet used to stengthen the body. Justin has he just didn't know it when he looked at Nate's car.

Think what you want but I am so sick of sugar coating this stuff it makes me puke.
Post #30437
Posted 5/8/2005 8:17:35 AM
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ps sorry about the typos
Post #30438
Posted 5/8/2005 8:17:43 AM
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where does he get all those wonderful toys Batmobile
Post #30439
Posted 5/8/2005 8:18:03 AM
Forum Guru

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Well your brother built the '66, so you are DEFINATELY not a builder, Brett. lol. You guys are a joke. Have you got nothing better to do than bother people who do not like you on the boards? Brett, you were banned from GDog's board. You have been nearly banned from Eric's '66 boards countless times. Get this straight - NOBODY LIKES YOU! You are a big joke in this industry. Whatever your opinions are of me, or of Kevin or of Don or anyone else, it seems to be you against the world my friend. Get a life.
Post #30440
Posted 5/9/2005 8:18:19 AM
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Justin, How do you know what i have or haven't built? You don't.
I am not banned on g-dogs board. Nor on Eric's.

I have not given opinion Justin I have posted facts. You may not like the facts but they are facts just the same. Justin you don't like my statements then prove what I have stated to be incorrect.

Driven in any 89's lately? Just another urban legend your toting around with you. The facts are Justin you align yourself with known people who turn in builders of the Return cars. The facts are you try to suck up to anyone who you think can help you. The facts are that your the One trying to play some type of expert. Oh you are an expert at collecting pics off the web and collecting bogus stories.

If you want opinion just ask for it I will give it. My opinion is your a joke and that you keep lying to yourself about your poorman's build for under 10k. My opinion is that anyone who lies to themselves about such things is delusional. I see your book is out
Post #30441
Posted 5/9/2005 8:18:29 AM
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Justin go to bed. Close your eyes and ride in another 89 Because the only 89 you have driven in is in your dreams. YEEE HAWWWW. Just think that tomorrow while your yankin your ween i will be driving a
Post #30442
Posted 5/9/2005 8:18:40 AM
Forum Guru

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Brett, you gonna use that same drawing on all the boards? Fine by me, it is entertaining. Like you. You are entertaining. It is like I told you on Eric's site - if I am such a fraud (etc., etc.) why did you call me and offer to buy my site from me???
Post #30443
Posted 5/9/2005 8:18:47 AM
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And - OH YEAH! I turned you down.
Post #30444
Posted 5/9/2005 8:18:57 AM
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(Bat-1 sings a song to stop the babies whining) Lullaby and Goodnight go to Sleep and dream of batcars. hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm hmm hmmm hmmmm hmmm hmm hmmm.
Post #30445
Posted 5/9/2005 8:19:51 AM
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WOOF WOOF, ARF ARF, WOOF ARF, WOOF WOOF, ARF. Did you understand that Justin? If not you better learn to speak BIG DOG.

Translation: " Until you can run with the big dog's you should stay on the porch suckin mamma's hinde tit Lil' Pup".

Justin if I am such a joke how come I have a car, have made countless cowls and suits for satisfied customers, had my costume items in the CBS movie Return to the Batcave? (sarcasticly)I must be out of the loop.

You say to me, "No one likes you". Is that right? Just come out and say it Justin. You don't like me. Which is really your problem, not mine.

Making you or someone else like me has never been my intention.

Justin you worry about what others think of you so your portray yourself a certian way and compromise yourself to make others happy.

Whereas, I couldn't care less if someone doesn't like me for who I am, I don't kiss their ass. I never have, never will. It is called principles Justin. There is nothing worse than a brown noser Justin, it shows lack of integrity.

Someone here is a joke Justin and if the people on this board are not smart enough to know who that is May God help them.

Atomic Batteries To Power, Turbines To Speed.
Post #30446
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