Where to Buy?
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Where to Buy? Expand / Collapse
Posted 10/11/2020 1:18:38 PM
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Last Login: 4/12/2024 12:50:51 PM
Posts: 7, Visits: 770
Hi Guys

What are the options out there to buy a kit or a turn key 89 batmobile? I heard of gothamcruisers ,does anyone have one of their builds? Any other builders out there? It seems a place in Florida called ideal custom cars get a couple of them a year from a builder.

Post #168818
Posted 10/17/2020 6:40:41 AM

What would Alfred say?

What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?

Last Login: 9/13/2022 4:03:58 AM
Posts: 195, Visits: 745
"Builders" who "advertise" or "let it be known" they build complete cars are far and few between, and quality builders, are even more scarce. There are a few that can build a really top notch big black car, but I have to say that there have been several big black cars that have shown up in dealership showrooms (especially in Venice, FL) that are both way overpriced for what you get, and overall underwhelming from a details/overall quality/safety standpoint. Some on here will disagree, but I have seen some scary mechanical/safety issues on a number of cars where they are asking stupid money.

In the end - you should get what you pay for, and if you think you can build a badass big black car for around the same money as a factory five cobra, you ae not even in the ballpark parking lot. Now if you want to build one to spec or buy one already built, there are a few guys out there with some capability or really nice builds in their garages that could be coaxed onto a trailer for the right price.

Bat-what?.....Na, it’s just an oversized badass big black car (with optional machine guns)
Post #168842
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