Mark Towle 2.0
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Mark Towle 2.0 Expand / Collapse
Posted 10/29/2019 6:11:09 AM

What would Alfred say?

What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?

Last Login: 9/13/2022 4:03:58 AM
Posts: 195, Visits: 745 .

I would think by now people would have learned not to call thier cars someone else's IP...

Bat-what?.....Na, it’s just an oversized badass big black car (with optional machine guns)
Post #166876
Posted 10/29/2019 6:31:13 PM

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Last Login: 1/16/2021 8:53:53 AM
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I find it interesting how much people avoid it with this Bat-What and how fearful they are from its original owners. But then there's massive numbers of Cos-Players and other fabricators who don't see that line and don't have 2nd thoughts of any fear for it but instead openly encourage it. There's people out there who very openly make other medians and don't hesitate to openly call it as it's seen
Post #166877
Posted 10/29/2019 6:59:50 PM

What would Alfred say?

What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?

Last Login: 9/13/2022 4:03:58 AM
Posts: 195, Visits: 745

It’s a little different dressing up as a “character” versus spending a couple years (and a ton of money) building a “tribute car” that could be interpreted as an IP infringement should someone try to push the envelope for their own financial gain. There’s a great example of one such individual that pushed that envelope and lost big in DC Comics VS Towle. We certain don't need that can of worms re-opened by someone plastering someone else's IP all over something that was obviously built to ultimately sell for a ridiculous profit.

Bottom line: If you dont know what it is supposed to represent, you dont need to know what it is supposed to represent. Just don’t ever call it what you “wish” you could call it.

Bat-what?.....Na, it’s just an oversized badass big black car (with optional machine guns)
Post #166880
Posted 10/29/2019 8:05:45 PM

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Last Login: 1/16/2021 8:53:53 AM
Posts: 168, Visits: 542
I completely agree and don't mean to come off as stating otherwise. To sell something at a greater value then what was honestly spent on it or to use a product created by someone else for personal or financial gain without the approval of its true creator is crap.

I come from and work in a industry that is absolutely filled with people who not only take others work without permission and will even resell it at a higher rate under their own name but also take and even expect the product to be free of charge. It's also filled with people who do not care or understand the work that was put it to get it to be where it us now as well as filled with people who have zero respect or care for those who got it to that point. They will also not hesitate for a split second to toss those of truly greater knowledge and talent under the bus to make themselves look better and gain the next step without credit truly being earned
Post #166882
Posted 10/30/2019 6:06:30 AM

What would Alfred say?

What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?

Last Login: 9/13/2022 4:03:58 AM
Posts: 195, Visits: 745

Couldn’t agree with you more! This individual doesn’t give a shite about the potential downstream effects of his actions. Guess he got what he wanted from the other members when he was building his first car, figures he’s done with this chapter, and now is in the driver’s seat of a big yellow bus. Not a cool move by any standard.

Bat-what?.....Na, it’s just an oversized badass big black car (with optional machine guns)
Post #166883
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