Frame idea need input
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Frame idea need input Expand / Collapse
Posted 2/23/2018 12:58:34 AM

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Last Login: 10/1/2023 8:00:41 PM
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I found this guy on Youtube building a Locost frame (like a Super-7 or Caterham Cars).
Looks like the interior of the car is the same size as the Batmobile. Just build it wider and a lot longer by adding a longer mid-section.
The frame reminds me of the Factory Five 33 hot rod. It uses a V-8 and regular car rear-end, unlike Locost that uses Maita parts. Just wondering if that style frame would be strong enough to hold the V-8 engine. Even wondering if the front suspension would handle 12" wide front tires.
I'm looking at maybe different frame ideas. Brother in law is master mechanic told me something about Caprice frame. "When your done sandblasting, paint, rebuild the whole Caprice frame. It will still handle and ride like a Caprice. If you think Hot Rod you can have 4-link rear & Mustang II type suspension. It would handle a little bit more like today's cars." Then I started looking for custom built chassis and then factory five type. Now I've found Locost chassis that maybe what I'm looking for.
Super Seven specs -vs- 89 Batmobile
length 133" vs 260.7" seeing the one has nobody the extra 10.7' would be body overhang.
width 62" vs 94.4" Would need extra side braces to meet the body and 16" wide rear tires is most of extra 2.7'
wheelbase 88.5 vs 141" What I can eyeball I would need few inches between rear seats to the centerline of rear tires. Then add whatever is left from needed 4.3' on the sides before the bend to the front end.

So what do you think? too crazy of an idea or just idea that has not been done before.

Locost build I found on Youtube is

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