Jeff Dunhams Batmobile
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Jeff Dunhams Batmobile Expand / Collapse
Posted 1/7/2018 3:11:09 AM

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Last Login: 11/3/2020 4:14:24 AM
Posts: 134, Visits: 919
I don't believe it's screen used, never did. I think it's funny though when richie rich people don't know their stuff and spend copious amounts of money under false pretences. It has a couple of original teddington valves on it, that's all I know.

I think it's an Ohrberg special, a decent Ohrberg special too. With the appropriate modifications it could be cool. The interior is not aesthetically pleasing. It looks like something from Fast and the Furious 1
Post #160143
Posted 1/7/2018 10:10:51 AM

DH was once A mail order bride...............

DH was once A mail order bride...............

Last Login: 12/22/2020 2:14:32 PM
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Jay did build cars for the returns movie but I think more than likely Jeff's car is A Carl Casper car, Carl made several with Real side Mechanics that he had shipped from England. They were also promo cars for sitting outside theaters. I talked to one of the builders for Carl he said they used up all the parts that were sent over from England then they started to make the fiberglass copies of the side mechanics which you see on A host of laser straight Casper cars but only of few with the real deal mechanics not sure if Jay ever had real ones on any of his cars. He did say he thought there was either parts or a whole one or a set he remembered seeing around the shop but when I asked to purchase he could not seem to come up with what they had. And that could be where Dunhams come from as well.

Now there is a scene in the movie which shows one of Jays that the turbine in the front is turned so the bracing on the housing looks different than that of the Pinewood studio cars. It is in the reading on the board.
Post #160144
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