A Car or a Girl?
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A Car or a Girl? Expand / Collapse
Posted 11/9/2018 4:09:09 AM
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Last Login: 11/13/2018 6:52:56 AM
Posts: 3, Visits: 6
Guys if you had to choose between the two, what will you choose - a car or a girl? My friend said he didn´t have to worry as much about a car. I didn't agree with him, in my opinion, it depends on the car model. By the way, he drives Tata Nexon, low-priced SUV. Of course, this car is not bad at all, but I'm sure: if he were the owner of Keaton Car he would have thought otherwise. What do you think about it?

Homo homini lupus est
Post #161225
Posted 11/9/2018 7:08:22 PM

What would Alfred say?

What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?What would Alfred say?

Last Login: 9/13/2022 4:03:58 AM
Posts: 195, Visits: 745
While the answer is definitely interdependent on the type of car in question (assuming a '89), it's still a relatively easy answer - Car! One can have fun driving it like they stole it, and then they can fix it if they break it, or upgrade it as necessary, anytime, without the associated emotional consequences or inflated expense. Plus a car doesn't have a fagina that is constantly broke..... Did I mention the machine guns? Nuff said!


Bat-what?.....Na, it’s just an oversized badass big black car (with optional machine guns)
Post #161230
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