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Posted 5/18/2016 7:19:34 PM

Supreme Being

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Last Login: 4/6/2024 5:28:59 PM
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Very nice video about the filming of the Batmobile scene.
Post #149737
Posted 5/19/2016 10:40:45 AM

You reap what you sow

You reap what you sow

Last Login: 9/19/2023 12:52:32 AM
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Unfortunately this was really a terrible scene in the movie.


Batman shoots tracker on truck.
Instead of following silently, he goes on mad rampage with Batmobile killing people(why even put the tracker then?) and wrecking the back of the truck trailer where the tracker was located.
Superman swoops in and stops Batman only to walk away from the bad guys who only a minute ago were shooting like crazy on public road.
Later Batman uses the tracker to steal kryptonite from truck's final destination (which he would not have needed if he was attacking the truck from the get-go. It only became useful b/c Superman stopped him which Batman had no way of knowing).

I don't mind Batman killing people but they showed him killing people too soon. However awesome the final fight in the factory scene was, there was no reason for him to disable the guns and fight hand to hand or even use batarang if he has no problem shooting and killing people as he so callously demonstrated in the Batmobile chase sequence and the Batwing sequence before the factory fight.


Above scene from the movie would have been so awesome if we didn't already know Batman kills.

Post #149738
Posted 5/20/2016 5:37:21 PM

Supreme Being

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True, the scene is not very reasonable, but it is exactly what happens in the Arkham Knight Video game. You shoot a tracker on the car and then you chase it. Makes little sense but hey, it's fantasy.

Same with the fight scene. It's a direct cut from the video game. You shoot the disabler thing on the guns and then the fight begins.

As far as Batman killing people in this movie......... can't really argue that one with you. Killing people is not Batman's thing.

I see there is a shakeup at DC now after this movie didn't get the response they wanted. (850 million is not enough evidently) We saw a little of that with the Suicide Squad trailer that had a Batmobile without machine guns.
Post #149742
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