Wheels and rims
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Wheels and rims Expand / Collapse
Posted 3/19/2015 3:49:45 PM

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Last Login: 7/15/2022 10:36:12 AM
Posts: 37, Visits: 116
Greetings all,

Though I am new to this forum, I'm about one year into my Tumbler build. One thing I've poured a LOT of hours into is research on the wheels the tumbler uses. Specifically, the rear wheels. Now the tires used and tread patterns are out there and easy to find, but the rims..... Knowing the tire dimensions and rim sizes needed is one thing. Finding a set of dually rims in the NEEDED size has proven difficult. I have a few options that will work, the best of which is building them myself, though, I would rather not have to. My question is for those of you who have already built your tumbler or those who have solved this riddle.

Where can I find a useable set of dually rims that I don't need to modify?

As the width on my tumbler is scaled to make it street legal, I plan to have the tires scaled just a bit as well. I aiming to use a set of Super Swamper TSL SX 43x14.50-20LT (SAM-10) tires. They use a rim size of 20"x10-12". But if I have to I am going to go with the TSL bias tires size 18.5/44-15LT (SAM-42) that uses a rim size 15"x12" which is doable since I found a set of rims that can be modified easily. Still, I would rather go with my scaled option.......

"Were it so easy." -Arbiter
Post #137438
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